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Loose Lips Sink Ships

Ljcapp1's picture

So I'm on FB a minute ago and see my old boss posted something and a current co-worker (I'll call her BEA)has defriended me on FB.

Bea started causing me trouble at work with her two headed bullshit and I confided in my husband about what a bitch she was being to me and that a manager told me they were going to make her head of administration. She may know about their plans because she is prematurely acting like my boss :?

Problem here is Bea's husband and My husband are long time old friends and still do a lot together. There is a clan of H's friends that all went to school together and they are all still in close contact.

So here's my speculation...H told one of the other guys in the clan what I said about Bea (this I know for a fact b/c I saw a text he sent one of the guys about it) and she found out though the grapevine. None of the men in the clan like Bea according to my H.
I look again and Bea's husband defriended me too and Bea also defriended my husband.

I'm not upset that she defriended me; I don't really like her and could care less. It's my husband's loose lips - can't he for once shut the fuck up...he is so fucking childish.
