Holy SHit Did I ever call it? I knew I was right
My asshole DH has just dropped a bomb on me that he is picking his kids up this evening. Ummm, we just had a discussion about this, and we agreed that they were not to come here. I knew it! I even posted a blog today saying I knew they were going to be coming.I felt it. He is a hypocrite. His damn daughters stole 2 of my rings last the week before from our bedroom, and he has the balls to have them back here after we had a huge blow out. I have been such a push over these past years , and i dont feel this is fair. My Husband will be working all weekend. I am not their babysitter, laundry do-er, cook or maid. And that is exactly what happens when they are here.
I am furious. I tried having a talk with him about this just now and he says to me that his youngest has contacted him after a week and would like to see him...WTF? he wont even be home but for a few hours each day on the weekend so why would she want to be coming here. They told their oldest sister that they hate us, they hate me especially and hate my BS...SO why in the world would they come here? I know why, because BM is probably pissing in their ear to try and break us up again. I refuse to be stuck with 2 mini wives and a fucking pig sty of a house until they leave( and god knows when that is). God forgive me but I hate them,with a passion. There goes my many days of peace, and there goes my time with my husband as they will will try and get in the way of EVERYTHING, and there goes me being in the house. Every time they are here its like i dont even exist. This is just nuts! I am sorry I just cleaned the floors, cleaned my 2 bathrooms and went food shopping, now ALL of that and more will go up in smoke. I really dont want to see any more dirty sanitary napkins smashed on my 2nd bathroom wall by my SD14. SHes a pig, and the youngest is just as bad...Dishes, cups, food, clothing, and more all over the place. Not once is anything cleaned or placed AT least in the sink...Nope its left under their beds. Its so disgusting under their beds that I have stopped cleaning the room. I told DH to clean it, and if he didnt then it stays that way. You would not even believe the shit under these beds. I bet we have rats. But I refuse to clean it.They treat me like shit, and my DH like shit, there for they can live in shit for all I care.I really dont know how to handle this anymore. I cant get threw to my DH. He is in agreement with me this whole time, but as soon as his kids bark, he runs with his tail between his legs. Can any one tell me who's the parent there? How can he even speak to them after all the bad they have done and keep doing to him, and me, and my son?I am just done.
- lostbroken's blog
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This. I would even go so far
This. I would even go so far as to lock up all the groceries you just bought.
I'd leave the house this
I'd leave the house this weekend...
Love this... Do it. You need
Love this... Do it. You need to stand your ground or he'll never take you seriously.
5,4,3,2,1...Blast Off! I
5,4,3,2,1...Blast Off! I wanna send thes skid's to the Fucking moon! And so it begins , the snot nosed, arrogant, filthy, attitudinal, bosy, piggy, inapproriate, mini wife bitches are here.....Let me tell you how the night opened up.I hear the car doors close in the driveway. I scurry off to my bedroom. My Dh doesnt even come into the bedroom to look for me (he's prob shitting pickles because he knows I am fumming :sick: . So here is how the conversation goes that I hear in my kitchen...DaddyIn the winey voice(this is SD14) carry my bags upstairs, i cant, my arms hurt. Dh: sure sweetie, are you hungry SD14: Yes, mommy (she is speaking of BM) has not been home at the house since we came home last week. DH: So where has she been, and why havent you called daddy SD14: Because we am mad at you , me and SD10 are very mad at you. DH: why? i dont understand, why are we going threw this again, and why is your mother NOT home, this is not healthy or right? SD14: I dont know, I just am mad at you and dont care. Mommy can do what she wants, and thats that daddy.At this point i want to choke him & her. IS he retared? Did he not hear this kid? SHe made, and doesn't care, and her BM is no where to be found? I wanna call CPS, if you ask me.
I then hear my DH walk up stairs and take the bags with himentire . I peak my head out and I see SD10 going threw the cabinets. SHe sees me , and looks at me with the foulest look I have ever seen, takes the box of pop tatrs, says, these are "mine" and darts upstairs.
A few minutes later my BS comes don to tell me that SD14 is asking why her room and SD10 room is not clean, and my DH says to her "he doesn't know? Ummmm is he not playing 2 sides of the fence here??.. We talked about this and I refused to clean there F'ing room. So my BS proceeds to tell me SD14 says well , why hasnt Stepmom(me)cleaned it? And my DH says "I dont know, I will ask her to tomorrow when she wakes"....Has my DH lost his mind?? Did he loose his set of balls while he drove in the car home with them? Why all of a sudden am I the bad guy, after we agreed on #1 not letting them here until major adjustments and therapy happened, and now he goes against EVERYTHING we talked about??DH lost his fucking mind????)I cant believe what I have heard so far. Well he has been upstairs with these bitches for over an hour now, and still has not come down to greet me. I am livid!
You are all so
You are all so wonderful.Thank you all so very much for all your help...I want to leave in the worst way, I cant even begin to tell you all. But every time this happens I get displaced. I literally leave the house for the entire day when they are here on weekends. I am tired of running. However, taking some money out of my account and hitting a nice hotel with a pretty pool sounds like the right medicine, and my BS would just love it. It just sucks because I had so many plans this weekend, and I feel like everything is ruined, including my mood.
I would really love to stand my ground this time around and treat these kids as they treat me, and my DH, and son. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
But i probably will go ballistic by tomorrow, and I am sure I am going to end up at a family members house by tomorrow. My husband and I have made a very clear decision(or so I thought) that his kids would no longer be allowed here, especially after the stealing episode. What the hell is wrong with my DH, and why did he make this decision with out speaking to me? I am very upset about this. I never do anything with asking him first. Well Effff this! How is this fair? How is this a marriage?
Now we are certain its the middle skid whole stole, the same rancid bitch who puts her maxi pads on the wall behind the bathroom door,, as she has done this before, She has stolen money from both of us as well in the past. She is a compulsive liar,Lies to her father about me & BS, and hangs all over my DH in a disgusting way, that actually makes me want to throw up. She actually smells, its disgusting. So the whole 2nd floor of my house smells like sweat and BO by now , I am sure. My poor BS room is up there too, I feel terrible. But thank god he is smart enough to close his door, and keep the stink out.
I have my food under my bed in the bedroom, how sad is that? I have no other choice, and since the stealing episode I have moved all of my valuables to my parents home. I just cant take a chance on losing anything else, and trust me i don't have much, but one of those rings was an heirloom, and it is heartbreaking that it is gone(damn bitches).
Thank you all so much. Without ALL of you i would probably walk out into traffic this evening(LOL).
I am sure the antics will be just wonderful this weekend. Its like a am running a fucking zoo over here. And my asshole Husband will fall right for their shit again.
God help me....... I am about to blow!
It truly is disgusting. The
It truly is disgusting. The middle one has stooped to a level that I just cant, and won't tolerate Sweet Pea. This is the end of the line for these skids
You are so right MIzfoxie, It
You are so right MIzfoxie, It is my home too, and I need to reclaim it,LOL....The game is on this evening.
Thank you just-a-mom! I will
Thank you just-a-mom! I will be calling them out on this crap today!. My DH and my skid's are all in for a rude awakinging..I don't want them here, and I will do everything I can to get them out at this point!
Thank you so much for your support :):):)
LMFAO!!!! I love it! I would
LMFAO!!!! I love it! I would love to do that..I swear I am thinking of it as we speak. Those foul kid's need to go home to BM notasm...I simply loved all these replies...I was laughing when I read them all. Thank you so much for all your support
Kamila, OMG I can't agree
Kamila, OMG I can't agree MORE with your statement! I said the same thing to DH. I tell him ALL the time, if he cant be with his kids during his visitation, then they NEED to stay home with BM. I don't know where I became the babysitter. I would expect the same thing from my ex.And when my ex can't be with my BS on HIS visitation, he leaves him home with me, No reason for him to have him if he is not going to be with him. I just don't see why my DH can't see this. It's terrible parenting if you ask me.
You are Correct again Kamila!
You are Correct again Kamila! DH can't seem to put his big boy pants on and gather the courage to discipline his kids, or even keep his word to his wife. Makes me see red! It's a damn shame, and shame on him. He really needs to stop with this guilt trip shit, and stop looking through his "rose colored" glasses. Because nothing is "rosey" in this house when his kid's are here.Ugh! :?
So here we go again, I wake
So here we go again, I wake this morning to a TRASHED house, OMG when I say trashed I am not even over exaggerating. There were cups, plates, wrappers, and shit just everywhere. When I saw it, I nearly had a stroke. Especially after I spent hours upon hours cleaning this house as if I was a cleaning crew. Of course I didn’t touch my skid's room at all. I don’t dare touch that room. They can live in a pig sty for all I care....So after walking back to my bedroom, I blew up at my DH and said everything that is left all over the place out there,( after I cleaned my ass off) is YOUR PROBLEM. I am not putting one dish in the dishwasher. I am not picking up one crumb off the counters or floors, it’s ALL on you, and it will continue to be on you until you put your foot down with you damn kids!
Well, he didn’t like it too much, because he grunted and made faces, and then told me "they are uncomfortable" I then said people who are "uncomfy" DON"T make messes in other peoples house! And if they are SO uncomfortable, then WHY the HELL are they here???? Again, that’s my fault, right
So DH got his ass up and cleaned it ALL. Please know it was not to my liking, and it wasn’t done as if I cleaned it, but I was grateful (I didn’t tell him that), but I still have yet to clean any remaining scraps that are left behind. I warned him that when he got home from work, that ALL the mess that is made is ALSO his problem. Me and my BS don't live like pigs or treat our home like a zoo, and we eat at the table like humans, with Utensils, and not up in the bedroom , etc and drop shit everywhere on the kitchen floor like apes, so all that will remain after the evening is said and done, and it’s your problem DH.
And that is when DH stormed off and went upstairs to SD14 & 10's room for the next hour. Well FUck him, and Fuck those kid's. If he's mad at me, he needs to rethink his position. He should be mad at himself for letting his kids be DAMN PIGS! They learned it from their BM, and since NO one disciplines them, that’s the way it will stay, because I have disengaged completely!
So here is my game plan, after I heard about half there convo with their dad, thanks to the wonderful ears of my BS. I plan on being on bitch patrol. I really would like to know, if these kids are so damn uncomfy, then why the Fuck didn’t they leave and go home to their BM when he left for the office? And please tell me if they were starving for the last week, because they claim BM wasn’t around then why all of a sudden out of the blue on a Friday night did they NEED him to come get them. Come on, damn it! How does he not see he’s being played like a fool? And mind you, he went to the store this afternoon and brought them back girt! Is he fucking kidding me, really? Presents for bad behavior! These Skid's are rotten. And my DH is a FOOL! I am so upset that he did this to me, after we AGREED, NO Skid's!!!
Tonight, they are on their own 100%. I have already began the disengage game, but now it’s time for my skid's to learn that they don’t rule my home.
They need to understand that I rule my roost, and they won’t be making me feel uncomfortable in my house. The first thing I wanted to do was run today, but instead I am going to stay at my house, and torment them….These nasty bitches LOVE to be on their computers, so the first thing to go tonight will be the internet. I am going to disconnect the internet intermittently and they are going to have a STROKE. Mark my words, I will be getting texts and calls from DH that they can’t get on the internet, and post on their social media Bullshit, and act like the slutty whores they are. (another discussion that DH doesn’t seem to care about,I would choke my child if he was on their and posted the things they do)Mark my words. But it has to be done. That’s where I am going to start 1st. Then after that will be the cable TV and so on…..If anyone has any additional ideas, I would just LOVE to hear it!
Oh my oh my , I love the way
Oh my oh my , I love the way you are thinking dtzyblnd! I truly do }:) I will certinally be disconnecting the internet and TV for sure. And it will be done until DH get home for sure.
Dumping their garbage in their room is another idea too, That cracked me, OMG i nearly rolled off my chair laughing when i read your post! I simply love it. Their room looks like a pig sty anyway, so why not add the rest of the junk, they wouldn't even know the damn difference, LOL. I will be spending my whole night making them miserable, just the way they have made me and my BS feel for the last year!....It's time for some oldie toons, that will send them running, oh how they hate the oldies music I play. I will be sure to crack it loud. This is going to be a good night! Thank you so much for ALL your support ...
You are a doll dtzyblnd!
You are a doll dtzyblnd! Thank you .All boys in your house, Oh my. I am sure you have your hands full! You are awesome! I can only wish to have your strength. I have disconnected the internet once already tonight. I just popped it back on just now to check in. I have to say, I have already got a few texts from DH that the skid's are asking why the internet is not working. I just LOVE it. Next the TV and internet are being shut down once I sign out of here. Let the games begin. I am so excited. For once, I feel like I am in control of my house.
Thank you again for all your support! You are an angel.
As I type, these 2 nasty
As I type, these 2 nasty skid's are sitting on my sofa, and they have candy bar wrappers and popcorn all over the place! Not to mention the kitchen is demolished! I won't even discuss the bathroom upstairs. There is shit every where.
Now please tell me how these skid's feel so uncomfy???? If that was the case, they would be hiding in their room. They are not uncomfy! They play my DH, and they play him good. Its ridiculous. I want them out, now!
OMG I am rolling at all these
OMG I am rolling at all these great comments. I simply love it. I havenet laughed this hard in a year! Thank you all so much. Its time to shut the TV and internet down together now...And send them packing at least up to their rooms where they can sit in their own filth.....My poor BS had to shower in my bath tonight because there is about 4 outfits each of theirs on the floor in the Bathroom, and towels everywhere. And my BS is too good, he likes to clean up with me too. But I quickly told him not to clean that bathroom, that's it's THEIR mess. That it is not his, and it is the responsibility of the Skid's to clean.
Oh this is going to be one fun night...I feel like a teenager, I am so giddy right now! LOL LOL }:)
If they're so into social
If they're so into social media, bounce on into their room and bathroom and take pics of all their shit and scum and post it on their facebook for all their friends to see. I bet there'd be a hissy fit quick.
chain around the fridge would be awesome
when daddy gets home it's time for the sitdown foxie described. the BEST THING I ever did was to scream at the top of my lungs every damn thing I hated about my skids. they moved out in no time and dh finally got it. no more 3rd wheel in my own house. those little fuckers (age 30) ran scared and whining back to bmomma where they belonged.
before they leave stop them at the door and dump every bag on the floor and do a thorough search of all their belongings to make sure they haven't stolen anything else. If there's so much as one of your bobby pins you tell them right there and then they will no longer be welcome in YOUR home. they can visit their daddy at mcdonalds.
hugs! this is so hard!
sixteensmom, you are the
sixteensmom, you are the best! Great thinking. AFter a night of no internet, and no TV they were squealing to daddy like the piggies they are. I would LOVE to post pics of their room and stuff on their social media , but I dont have any social media accounts. I am sure i could create one and get to posting. Dad (dh ) is off to work again, and I am stuck again with this nasty ass skid's. Besides the mess from yesterday, there are new messes, and I refuse to clean. I am going to shut down the internet again now, and head out of my house with my BS. I had a huge Blow out with DH over his kids today, and looks like again, he's siding with them. I am about to pull my hair out. I just don't understand him. Hopefully by this evening when I return they will be ready to leave and DH will take them home after work.
This situation will not not working for me. I have been too nice, and too giving for too long. Its time to send them packing. And right before they leave I am doing a bag search as you suggested. Thank you so much for your support. DH will be lucky if i dont send him packing with the skid;'s tonight too!