SD you're not the only one in the house....
I bought MYSELF some chinese food. I ate a little and put the rest in the fridge. SD took it into her room, didn't put any in a bowl, took the whole thing AND THEN she came out and said she didn't like it and DUMPED it in the garbage. WTF?!?! and if that wasn't bad enough, she ate the last piece of birthday cake I saved for my son from his birthday yesterday; when he gets back from being with his dad, he's going to be pissed.
- LPS's blog
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Oh wait you must be living
Oh wait you must be living with my SD. My solution to this ongoing problem is this: I made DH buy a mini fridge for our bedroom. Whatever I don't want their grubby hands in, I bring into my mini fridge. They are not allowed in my bedroom so they would never look in the fridge.
I had a chinese food blog up a few weeks ago. DH is allergic to chicken so we get it from this one place only. SD came home from school and ate all of the pork fried rice, threw most of it away and there was none for DH for dinner. She doesn't care as long as she got to have some.
hahahhahahaha, I was jokingly
hahahhahahaha, I was jokingly suggest the same to SO!!! My problem are mainly the boys (8 and 12) they are like Pacmen!!!
What a brat. Why would she
What a brat. Why would she even think she could touch your chinese food or cake??? I would go get both again and not let her have any.
PB&J for a week would be what
PB&J for a week would be what I would do. Teach these brats to ask before they take!
good idea about the fridge,
good idea about the fridge, we have a mini one in the garage. I will be using that for now on.
I had to hide the blender in
I had to hide the blender in the attic. SD15 kept using everything in the house to concoct crazy things. Of course its gross, it all gets thrown out and I am left with a nasty dirty blender. They think it broke and I threw it out.
My skids would also throw out
My skids would also throw out dishes and utensils to hide the evidence of their disastrous cooking attempts. So not only were dinner groceries missing, but kitchenware as well. That reminds me, need to make a birthday cake for SO tomorrow, so I'll need to pick up new cake pans. For some reason, one is missing.
DH called on his way home and
DH called on his way home and asked what I want for dinner.....umm, I was gonna have my Chinese food until you bitch of a daughter threw it away. Thinking of something extremely expensive AND I gonna tell him SD ate the chinese food so he buys her NOTHING!
I called DH and said get us something at pizza place but he said he was going to eat something at home. I said, I was gonna have my chinese but SD ate it for dinner. I told him to get me something at the pizza place. Usually, he'll buy SD pizza but now that he know's she ate he wont and that little beotch will have to scrounge around and look for something to eat because you can be damn sure I will make her nothing. }:)
we had to hide all the non
we had to hide all the non perishables in our closet, used the garage fridge/freezer with locks and then only bought enough food for a few meals at a time while ss18 was living here. he also attempted to cook and then if it wasn't good would not throw it into the garbage but just toss it behind a couch or under things. he always tried to hide the evidence but when food items are missing from your fridge that you bought for dinner tonight and you go to cook at 5pm and then have to run to the store to get more, uhm that's when war breaks out >:( i cleaned the recroom/garage last weekend after he moved out and I literally had 4 black garbage bags of spoiled food to put out this morning :@
Effin gross
that's nasty. I had to start
that's nasty. I had to start hiding all school snacks because she would eat them at night and then when I went to make lunches and snacks for my Bkids, all I had was empty boxes. Pissed me off big time. SD is a night eater, would piss me off when DH blamed my BS for eating all the snacks when I knew it was his precious angel.
I'm evil I'd put something
I'm evil I'd put something with x lax in the fridge and tell her not to eat it lol
^^^ LMAO, I have spicy
^^^ LMAO, I have spicy jalapeno/mango sausages in the fridge. DH is working friday night, so guess what Im gonna make for dinner. }:)
I'm going to cure SD16 of
I'm going to cure SD16 of being picky and wasteful with food.
We get her for 7 whole weeks this summer. SD16 will be informed that she is doing ALL of the grocery shopping and ALL of the cooking for all three of us. Anything she manages to save out of the grocery money is hers to keep. (I'm thinking she'll like that one) The catch is, she'll be getting $1.50/person/meal to feed us with.
I'm not worried about being fed ramen and boxed mac&cheese - SD16 is a good cook. But she's wasteful and likes to use expensive ingredients. I'll bet that 2 months of playing poor and budgeting will cure that in a hurry. Besides, she needs to know she is capable of actually doing it.
just got hope from shopping,
just got hope from shopping, starving. I have only a little time before I need to pick up my kids. I would have loved some left over chinese food but NOoooo, you know what I ate....a piece of burnt toast