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Refer to previous blog for background on this one.

My dear sweet ex husband just f*cked himself royally.

I have always been scrupulous about making sure he has access to our 2 dd's (he lives in another state and has always been a disinterested dad) I send him updates, photos of random school events, dance events, anything that is going on in their lives he knows about it. They Skype with him at least weekly (I have to push this not him IYKWIM)

So, he was questioning the whole Disneyland thing, I asked him for NO money, just if he would allow them to go (get passports) He made a big song at dance at the beginning about how he would allow me to take dd10 ONLY if I sent dd7 to him while we are away. I explained that if I am going to Disneyland (regardless of that it is for dancing and there will be mainly working involved for dd10) dd7 would be coming - I'm not going to travel halfway around the world to Disneyland and not take one of them.

Eventually he offered to pay half of dd10's costs, and we are doing a lot of fundraising to raise the rest (of dd10's costs) OH and I have to both go as well, so we would be paying ourselves for OH, me and dd7.

So, deposit is due in the next few weeks I emailed and asked ex if he was still able to contribute (man has paid barely any of his required CS or half of costs he is required to pay as per consent orders for most of this year) He has been a complete arse for the last week because of this. Culminating in a few outbursts yesterday where he accused me of trying to get him to pay for our "holiday" and making out that fundraising for a trip to Disneyland is not ok, asking others to PAY for our holiday.

(if you haven't read other blog - it's NOT a holiday per se - dd10 has been invited to join a special dance troupe that will be doing a half hour show at Disney, dancing in the parade, dancing at universal studios and doing 3 special workshops with leading US dance teachers)

So, after I blogged yesterday I got a really abusive ranting email from him - had me in tears.

Then I go to pick them up from dancing and the teacher tells me he has emailed her, wanting to know if the Disney thing is "invite only" We couldn't talk then so she just called me.

He asked her if it was an "invite only" thing for kids of a certain dance standard or if it was just a dance school trip that any kid at the school could go on. (implication being - am I using this as an excuse for a free holiday)

When I mentioned that he wanted me to send dd7 to him and I said Of course she will be coming with us, my OH will come to take care of her while dd10 is "working" she got all thoughtful. The original paperwork said the age limit is they have to be 9 by beg. Sept 2014, dd7 will be 9 beg Nov 2014 so she misses out by 2 months.

Apparently the dance teacher increased the age limit to 10 as she wanted to specifically exclude a few kids (LOL) but she said seeing as dd7 will be coming anyway, and her standard and commitment are good enough she may be able to dance in the troupe as well!!!!!!!

WOOOOO HOOOOOO go ex husband - now they both will most likely get to dance - brilliant for them AND - I can access the Fundraising money to pay for dd7 as well - the stupid bugger just saved me $3000!!!!!!

LMAO right now.