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Taking control.... and who would have guessed

luchay's picture

(This is a lot longer that I expected to be LOL but read to the end - I have taken a stand - and there are some funny bits!)

the considerate, thoughtful OH lasted less than two weeks, normal selfish bastard has returned just in time for the skids weekend - who'd have thought!

Just a little pissy moan about SD and her "I am the queen of the universe attitude because she's pissed me off the last two Wednesdays before I get started (LOL)

So, last week it's Weds night. All the kids were playing outside along with nextdoor neighbour boy 12 (BND12). Suddenly SD goes into stroppy teenage girl mode - the pouting, the sighs, the sorrowful stare off into the middle distance (all done while placing herself in the midst of EVERYONE so that we HAVE TO NOTICE HER PAIN) Mostly we ignore the teenaged angst crap and go about our business. But BND12 is new to this, and thought he had done something to upset her - so my DD12 (to put his mind at rest) fed the beast and asked SD14 what was up (THIS TIME)

SD - My Daddy doesn't know me AT ALL!!! (dramatic effect and tears creeping into the corners of her eyes!)

DD - Why do you say that?

SD - Because he's cooking RAVIOLI for tea, and if he KNEW ME AT ALL HE'D KNOW I HATE PASTA!!!!!!!

DD - OH.

(then she told BND12 that he could rest easy it wasn't him LOL)

Serioously SD14? The world revolves around you so much that the fact that daddy cooks ravioli is a personal slight and insult to you? The fact that the other 5 (yes FIVE) people in the house love ravioli escapes your attention?

And the bit that REALLY pisses me off about this is - many months back I was walking through the lounge room where SD and DD12 were watching TV and hear the following.

DD12 - oooh that sounds yummy I wonder what that's like?

SD14 - oh it's REALLY good, it's one of my favourites, I LOVE that!

(so I check out the ad - and it's for ravioli - now I KNOW SD14 has always claimed to hate ALL pasta - I always figured it's because we all love it and she likes to be a Pita about food here)

So I double check with her and ask "so you EAT that SD? You like it?"

SD - mmmmmm yes.

So - I buy it, we ALL eat it, every person in the room gets seconds and raves about how much they loved it.

fabulous! Only OH had to go and fuck it up and make a big deal of how much everyone loved and it YAY another meal we will all eat - trust me - it IS a big deal because the skids (SD in particular these days - ss11 has entered the eat anything years LOL) are nightmares about food, it's a control and a "pro-BM" thing.

So, next time we have it SD turns her nose up (again with the who'd have thought!) WTF ever is my thinking. The rest of us love it and she made SUCH a big deal of loving it to my DD and the first time we ate it, so suck it up Princess.

And now we have it maybe once a month and everyone else is happy.

And this is why the big dramatic "daddyyyyyy doesn't KNOW me" pisses me off.

Then this week. OH had a shitty day at work on Weds, we knew before it was going to be a nasty day. It was also dd9's birthday, and SS11 is at camp. So I got home from dancing and OH and SD jump in the car and we drive to the burger joint of choice for DD9. On the way I quietly have a chance to ask OH about how things went - he starts answering and SD interrupts with some nonsense of her own that DAD just HAD to pay attention to right then. (he's only been with her since 3.30pm, it's now 7.50pm and I haven't seen him all day) Of course OH just turns his attention immediately to Princess and our conversation is over.

So, we get into the restaurant, order, and are eating - chatter has been occurring. The kids are all talking to each other so I try again, we start talking and he's telling me how things went down and mentions a particular co-worker's name.

SD14 hears and pipes up with "Oh, Johnny!!!! Is HE still there!!! How is he dad?"

Dad answers.

SD again : "and what about so and so - did I hear you say she's back"

OH - no, it's a different so and so.

SD - OH. And how about this one and that one, and what about this daddy and why is that one (the old manager who got sacked a few months ago) no longer there Daddy, and oh that's not fair Daddy, and that's Bum bum daddy!!!!

If that had been ME Daddy I would have told them they were ALL Bum bums daddy!

I would have packed my stuff and said bum bum bum, and walked out and said Bum bum





OH said nothing (apart from answering her stupid questions) while I sat there rolling my eyes and glaring at them both. My DD's knew I was pissed (especially when the "bum-bum's" started and were laughing.


This weekend. It's photo day at dancing on Sunday - has been on the calendar since Feb, we have known it was coming up and OH has known we will be out all day for it. I had arranged that I would cook a roast on Saturday night and he will cook Sunday night. Last night I said to him - "oh, I have to pick up dd12 at 7, so I will put the dinner on before I go if you can keep an eye on it for me?"

He says - Oh, I thought I'd take the kids fishing Saturday, it's going to be a nice day!

Me - Can't you do that Sunday while we are out all day?

Him - Oh, I think Saturday works better, it's going to be lovely weather!

Me - but if you do that Saturday we won't get any time together all weekend?

Him - Yes we will, Saturday night!

Me - why can't you go Sunday while we're already busy? Then we all get what we want?

Him - but Saturday is going to be much warmer and we can swim etc, and it's a better day for it (Sunday will be nice weather too just not as warm)

Me - And I don't suppose I am invited - just you and your kids? So I am left sitting here alone all day again?

Him - I thought I'd just take SS11 - a father son day!

Me - what about SD14?

Him - Oh I will arrange something for her (yeah, heard that before - last father son fishing day - last minute couldn't find anyone to have her so she went too - they had a blast out all day swimming and fishing and just being best buddies, so good a day that they were 4 hours late getting home, and he couldn't even be arsed to tell me what was happening)

Me - Well I would prefer if you did it Sunday I would like to see you sometime as well this weekend.

Him - don't know why we bothered buying the damned fishing rods if you'll never ALLOW my SON and I to use them!!!!

Me - Fuck you, you passive aggressive A-hole! (ok I didn't say that out loud!) Me - oh do as you please, go Saturday - Go Sunday I sure as heck don't want to be with you if you don't want to spend time with me.

And those were the last words we spoke to each other, he tried to get me to come to bed with him and kiss me goodnight, I just can't be bothered.


Seeing as DD's and I have to be up and sparrows fart on Sunday to do hair and make-up and drive the 35 minutes to dancing to be there by 8.15 - I have booked us into a nice motel nearby - swimming pool, nice room. We will be staying there Saturday night for some quality mummy/daughters time! I will not notify him of my plans, just pack all the costumes and stuff while he's out fishing. And of course I will not be cooking the damned roast!

Fuck you OH. Seriously over all of this, and stashing away as much money as I can from now on to get myself OUT of here.


oncechoosetosmile's picture

this would have been my future if I would have stayed with my ex and mini wife!!!!!!! Luchay, good on you saving money and doing great things with DD by prepared, a much easier , nicer life could be waiting for you on the other side!!!