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The High's and Low's

luckykell's picture

I'll start with the Low's (but atleast these low's are changeable, hopefully). So we had our sitdown talk with BM to discuss why she was all of a sudden blocking my BF from gaining joint custody of Scooty (SD5). Even though I hate to admit it, I do understand where she is coming from. Since I have come into my BF and Scooty's life, Scooty has been happier and healthier, BM has gotten more time to's basically been going well for everyone. BM is worried that if for some reason BF and I were to break up that things would "go back to the way they were". Like I said, I can understand where she is coming from and that she is just being a concerned parent. But our two major counter arguements were #1. BF and I are not splitting up, in fact we are picking out our rings at the moment. #2. Ok, so yes BF didn't 'help' as much as he could have in Scooty's earlier years...but he didn't have the help like BM did. He wasn't as comfortable with a baby by himself...not really right, but somewhat understandable. So we negotiated with BM, we are doing a "trial period" where we are now taking her 3 days a week and now only pay 1/2 of the CS. After 3-6 months of this BM will fully agree to joint custody. We'll see how that one pans out!

Now the High's!! This is what makes being a stepparent worth it! This last Sunday I had Scooty all by myself while BF was at work. We went to a movie with some friends, and her friend (age 9) commented on Scooty's mom having pink hair (me)...Scooty made a wierd face, and I know she gets uncomfortable explaining to people. So I jumped right in for her, and just said in a happy cheery voice "that i'm not her mommy"...well Scooty nodded and then said "I kinda feel like you're my stepmom". This was the first time she's said that, and I smiled and said "yes I kinda am, is that ok with you?" and she said "yes I like that". Warm Fuzzy part one. Then later that afternoon we took lunch to BF at work, and as we were leaving I was putting Scooty in her carseat and she said "I love my daddy", and i said "good, b/c he loves you very much too", and then she said "and I love you too". I just grinned and of course said I loved her too. Warm Fuzzy part two!!! First time she's said that to me! I've known I've loved her for a very long time, but wanted to wait until she was ready.

So thru all the drama and crap, there are the bright shiny High's that give you the warm fuzzy's! And I definately think it is worth it!


Conflicted's picture

That's great!! I'm very happy for you. And I have to say as a bm... I think bm's points are valid and the plan you all came up with sounds like a good one!

melis070179's picture

My son just turned 6 and I have watched his and my DH's (his stepdad) relationship develop over the last 4 years. I have seen moments like this between them and it just melts my heart. You are very lucky to come into her life while she is young, I really think it makes all the difference!

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

FUNmom3's picture

FUNmom3... I think SM are great, I am thankful that my kids go to their BF house and has a SM there. I thank her all the time for the things she does for them. I don't always agree with some of the stuff she does or says, but heck she is putting up with the ex that I left... so I have to give her credit there. My kids are better since she is there!!

Thank goodness for SM, it is one extra set of eyes and love for our kids!!