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The BM Victim Parade continues: ohmygoodness, she's going broke!?

Madam Hedgehog's picture

DH's dad is here with us this weekend and has informed DH that BM is going broke and is about to lose her house.

Reality = if she were going broke, and she's not, it would be her own fault for incurring 10,000 dollars worth of lawyer fees dragging DH into court for increased child support (she makes more money than he does and we have 50/50; it is NOT going to happen).

Additionally, this woman has a six figure trust fund. She has replaced all her kitchen appliances, bought flat screen tv's for every room in the house, and replaced her counters with MARBLE. SS5 has two lap tops, and SS2 has his own ipad. All in the last six months.

But yeah, she's going broke. About to be homeless. Poor pitiful BM.

This finally pulls all her nonsense into perspective.

Why do BM's relatives and DH's relatives keep buying the boys entirely new wardrobes (as in 50 outfits) every three months?

Because BM is telling them she doesn't have the money for clothes and that DH (that dirty dog) won't take care of his own kids. At this point, we could fill a small storage shed with all the extra clothes she keeps giving us, some of them still attached to price tags.


Because she has to get rid of the evidence that the boys have PLENTY OF FREAKING CLOTHES to put on her "look, the poor boys have nothing to wear" show for all the relatives.

This explains why she has yard sales every six months and sells the boy's belongings to the people living on her dead-end street. This explains why she told SS5 she had to sell his bike (bought for him by DH's grandma) to get money so she could take him and SS2 to the fair (kids get in for free nutbag).

This explains why she has been telling people that DH's "new" wife (yours truly) BOUGHT HIM A RANCH in Texas and that he's run off to become a rancher. This is completely untrue. We live half a mile away from her in the same stupid city. My parents own a ranch in Texas and she knows its theirs and not mine. Her kids know it's there's and not mine. And she knows were still live in the same city because she picks her kids up from our house at 4:30 EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Because it makes her look like the victim. Again.

This is insane.


Lauren1438's picture

I think that we all need to join them for their pitty party. Our BM does the same shit. It makes me sick. I have had fun the past few weeks calling her out on her bullshit. It not my fault her family was calling our home to talk to the girls on the phone and we just hit it off and started a conversation. Drop off was amazing two weeks ago. She started to scream at me that I had no right to speak to her mother, father, brother, grandmother oh and aunt. Well I answered the phone and they were snooping and started to ask me questions, oops sorry I was polite and talked to them....she is still pissed.

the_stepmonster's picture

Ugh maybe your BM and my BM should get together and they can have a field day. BM is constantly telling DH how she has no money to take care of the kids, has her mother buy them their halloween costumes, tells the kids to ask their father for new laptops since she has no money, blah blah blah. She gets $1600 from DH tax free every month and is a teacher. Plus DH and I itemize our tax returns so she gets her child tax credit for THREE kids. Yet, the kids never have new clothes for school, Daddy has to buy their school supplies, Grandma takes them on vacations since mommy cant afford to, etc. Somehow, she still has money to get her nails done, buy a new car, rent a huge house, and, oh yeah, HIRE A FULL TIME NANNY! Seriously, it is not our fault these women cannot manage their own money. Ridiculous.

Madam Hedgehog's picture

OMG. A full freaking time nanny. I love it! Our BM also gets hundred dollar hair cuts and nonstop manicures and the newest bestest phone and clothes and ______. Fill in the blank, she has it.

These women are insane. That is the only conclusion I can come to. I cannot imagine pretending to be a victim and swindling my entire family out of money.

For what? She has plenty of money. She has brand freaking new everything.

And the family court system is supporting this sort of behavior. Everyone knows this happens, and they continue to foster crazy BM behavior by handing them over more and more money for what?

giveitago's picture

DH calls BM's life a 'house of cards' that will come tumbling down, he says there will only be ONE rocking chair on her porch too. BM has just finished off victim #4, married just long enough to be able to lay claim to his money...I was tempted to warn the poor fool but then he treat SD like shit on the bottom of his shoes so I changed my mind!
This is the woman who kept the properties, entire house contents and then some. DH walked out with the shirt on his back and his tools and truck. DH had no credit rating, she wrecked it completely! She used her kids' social security numbers to take out lines of credit too...currently she's wheeling and dealing with SS 18 and the shit will hit the fan soon!
When I met DH we lived in a one bedroom apartment, BM used to tell the kids they were going to visit the 'troll' under the fire escape ladders. So, we were not financially wealthy...all three SKids came to us and the home filled with love, we did not need money to walk in the park, fish, fly kites etc.
SS is currently being encouraged to take out a huge student loan to buy this truck from his mother's 'friend' and I have a really BAD feeling about the whole deal. SS is impatient, and more like his mother than his twin sister will ever be. DH and I will let them get on with it though, we'll pick up the pieces when it all falls apart...just like we did for SD when she'd had more than she could take of her mother too. I'd never come between a kid and a bio parent, I remain calm and just let roll off me.
Currently we have a nice, two storey, 5 bedroom house, it's been a struggle but we are making it. Building a credit rating back up takes time too and it's a lot of hard work. We'll do just fine, that we started with NOTHING we've sure accumulated a lot of 'stuff' LOL