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SS2's front tooth is chipped and BM said ZILCH to DH

Madam Hedgehog's picture

I realized SS2's tooth was chipped today at breakfast. I asked him about it and he said it happened at his mommy's house, but he couldn't explain how. He did say that it hurt, though.

BM said nothing to DH about this. We get this kid every single day, so it's not like it just slipped her mind entirely.

So, on one hand, yes, I know that tooth is just going to fall out eventually, so who cares?

On the other hand, SS2 had to experience a pretty serious impact to chip his front tooth, and BM told DH nothing about it. I'm wondering at this point if she has even noticed considering she is an idiot.

Is this normal?


Madam Hedgehog's picture

Thanks Echo. I mean it. I have been extremely worried about this all day, and DH has sort of been trying to play it cool with the whole thing, but I think we need to get it looked at as well. I will show him your post and see if that motivates him a bit.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

I'm actually surprised that she said nothing to your DH as well. I remember a year or so ago when SD came for a visit and I noticed instantly there was damage done to her upper front tooth and pointed it out to SO who had not yet noticed it, of course this was only like 20 minutes after he had picked the kids up but we asked her what happened and she told us the door opened on her face. We were like WTH? So we asked BM and her BF who said what had happened was the child had made it a habit to sleep directly behind the bedroom door, when the BF went to wake her from her nap one day he didn't expect her to be behind the door and opened it on her, the corner of the door hit her in the mouth, the tooth looked grayish, as if it was partially dead and she had bruising on her upper gum line. The tooth has since fallen out as of a month ago so we are just waiting and hoping that her adult tooth comes in unharmed.

They never said anything to us either until we questioned them and they never really had a reason as to why they never said anything, I guess they just didn't think it was a big deal?