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SS13 not there 24hr yet & BM is phoning us because he is sick!~!!! WTF!!!

MaGoose2010's picture

We travelled the entire day yesterday to take SS13 to BM, got back last night late, exhausted, fell into bed and 6h30 this morning BM is already miss-calling us because SS13 has a migraine and is throwing up since last night... WTF!!! I specifically packed medication for him (he gets migraines, but has only had about 2 in the last 3 months and they usually last 1 hour & I texted her to say please take the meds out of his bag (in case he abuses them) - needless to say she never replied) because usually BM phones asking for money to buy him medication or to take him to the doctor. I can't believe that this woman actually gave birth to her two children!!!! This REALLY pisses me off! Turns out, all she fed him yesterday was sweets, cooldrinks and chips (high MSG or sugar foods give him a headache...this I have learned over the 4 years I have been his SM & he has ADD for crying in a bucket!!!) but BM had him before that. She is way off the charts of bad parenting!! So FH says...'shame he probably doesn't want to be there' :? !! CRAP!!! he has been counting the days to go to his mom, he loves her even though he has to compete with her intellectually & emotionally challenged 'toyboy'of a fiancé(like he was 13 y/o himself!!). Anyway BM phones an hour later to say he was feeling better as he had now relieved his bowels and the headache was going. I can just see what will happen, SS13 will be so miserable (or rather BM won't cope with him & make him miserable) and FH will go up and fetch him before the 6 week holiday ends and we will miss out on our break away from the kids!!! So typical!! I have hell during the school term, look forward to a break, then she ruins it.

Sorry...just had to get that off my chest!!! Now I can have a cup of tea and pretend I am not a SM anymore!!!

FH always says he wishes we had met sooner and that I was the BM of his kids, cos eventhough I get very grumpy, at least I do a good job caring for the Skids. Thought that was nice of him to say, but he doesn't know half of why I get so grumpy......and it can not all be blamed on perimenopause, I'm afraid!!!


MaGoose2010's picture

Kat, maybe he will bring you lots of prezzies from the Middle East and you will feel better about him missing your bday!!! But I hope you have a wonderful day on Monday!

Monday is a sad day for me because BD11 is going away to her dad in Port Alfred for a month and I know that I will miss her. I won't miss the fights between her and SS13 and the hogging of the TV etc etc, but I will miss her! We never spend time alone together as then SS13 will feel out because his dad hasn't got time to spend with him, so I usually sneak her into my bedroom sometimes and we watch a movie on my laptop while ss13 is having 'his turn'choosing a program to watch on TV. Then we cuddle up and spend time together. Not ideal, but it's something. We also try to go to the library together as we both share a passion for reading, and SS13 hates books, so he stays in the car and waits for us. But I would really like to spend more mother/daughter time with her and take up a hobby together. We were going to take belly dancing classes together, a few years ago, but then what would we do with SS13? And also FH is very jealous so he would have a problem with it cos I might meets someone else!! (highly unlikely at a belly dancing class! but anyway..)

Anyway FH and I look forward to being child-less in the holidays and get resentful if the kids sabotage that time! We also long for the days when they will leave home and we can start living again!!! Selfish, hey! But its true, all our money goes into the kids education, music lessons, clothes etc etc and we land up sacrificing...

Anyway, you have a great weekend.