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Saving a few dollars and rooster blocked.

Major Blunder's picture

The other night I mention that benefits enrollment time is coming up at work and question DW whether SD20 will continue on my insurance, to my great surprise DW says ” no SD20 is moving out of state”.  I was able to stifle my wide grin and almost audible laugh.

The new year will roll around SD20 will still be here and will now be without health insurance, she will have to go sign up for Obamma Care or whatever, oh and she won’t be able to do it alone, DW will have to take her and probably fill out all the paperwork as well.

DW went and got SD20 on Sunday under the guise that SD20 was packing more of her stuff, she walked out with a basket smaller than a milk crate with things in it, not even full.  DW says nothing just happily carts her off to whatever drug hole she is living in now.  I know she isn’t going to get her crap out of that room and we will be the ones getting rid of everything and having to clean it to boot, DW doesn’t even see that coming or she does and refuses to acknowledge it.

But at least SD20 got a hot meal and got sit on her ass at our house as opposed to sitting on her ass wherever she goes.    

Worse part was DW didn’t tell me that SD20 was even a part of the days plan until I suggested dropping the Gkids at her parents for a few hours so we could enjoy some marital fun.  She repeated came to me throughout the day saying that she was sorry she didn’t say anything, oh well DW that train left the station, might not be back again for awhile either, Skids are anitlibido and it’s a lasting effect.


justmakingthebest's picture

Yeah... rain checks don't work with that. Drama in general is a mood killer. 

On the plus side, maybe you can squirrel away that insurance savings and plan something really great for you and DW to do without any kids around! 

Major Blunder's picture

Thank you Ladies !!  I might not be the typical guy ( in most ways I am ) but rain checks just don't do it for me and Skids just cause a complete shut down of system.

With the new house soon and all the bills that small children produce that money will be a drop in the bucket, but getting away would be great.

ndc's picture

Does it cost you anything to have SD20 on the policy?  My dad carries me on his health insurance through work, and once he's paying for the family plan, it's the same cost whether he has 10 kids on it or 1 kid.  I live in a different state from him, too.  If it doesn't cost extra to cover her, I'd keep her on the policy, because somehow I suspect if you don't it will somehow end up costing you money or aggravation.

ESMOD's picture

If there are no other kids on the plan... then it does add to have her I imagine.  I kept my sD's on my plan until the older one had a baby and the younger one got a job with full insurance coverage.. I would have kept them on my plan otherwise...

Major Blunder's picture

Yes it does cost to have her on the plan, plus and this might be petty, once her name is off of that I have no other "written" ties to her, different last name, no recent pictures together, it is kind of like slowly erasing her from my life even if that will never actually happen, but it still sort of feels like that, a little.