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Hoping I gave SD a lesson...

Manda's picture

So, I have blogged about the open cabinet doors before and tonight I hope it taught SD12 a lesson. Leaving cabinet doors and drawers open drives me absolutely nuts! FH has finally got the point after I left all the cabinet doors and drawers open in the kitchen after he didn't close a cabinet door left open...he came home to find everything open and closed all of them....however the skids haven't learned their lesson... So I noticed tonight that SD12 left a drawer in the bathroom open so I opened it all the way which actually hangs past the door opening... I just heard her get up to go to the bathroom and apparently she must have ran into the drawer... I got up after I heard her go back to bed and thought I would see the drawer closed but's just closed partially. So, of course I opened it all the way again...I hope she will learn to not be so lazy after she runs into it again in the morning and start closing it. Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way...


TheCharm's picture

Whenever I left anything on in my room, my dad would not just turn it off...he'd unplug it. It worked.

Manda's picture

I agree...when the skids leave their stuff out I will throw it away. It drives FH crazy but it drives me crazy to see their crap all around the house. FH is very particular about keeping the house clean and tidy but when it comes to the skids it seems like all the rules are out the door... Since I'm the one that is in the house most of the time and take care of it then I'm going to make sure that the skids clean up and pick up after themselves. I do find myself letting things go at night that the skids haven't picked up because FH is around and I don't think that he likes me telling the kids what to do...however when I'm home with the skids during the day you better believe they are picking up their own crap! If they don't pick something up before they go to their mom's house it gets thrown away!

bioandstep2009's picture

Oh my goodness, SS9 does the SAME thing. Leaves drawers open constantly. It drives me and FH crazy!