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10 Years. Wow.

marika's picture

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary. It doesn't really seem like it has been that long. Even with everything that happened with SD over the last few months, I can honestly say that I would marry my guy all over again. The good parts have made the bad parts tolerable. I truly can't imagine not having him around and I plan to show him that as soon as he picks me up from summer school today.

Just had to share that, esp. since I mainly complain on here!



goincrazy's picture

Congrats. 10yrs is a long time. I can't immagine myself in 10 years with my SK, I will be lucky to have hair then!

Lauren973's picture

As I go into the world of the married people, I wonder how its POSSIBLE to work together for years and years. It is no small accomplishment, and I hope the two of you enjoy a WONDERFUL celebration of your bond!

Imustbcrazy's picture

Congrats to you! Have a wonderful day and I wish you the best! 10 years, I hope I feel that way after 10 years. I do now... just hope it stays like you have.

Daddys Gurl-

Life is as sweet as you sweeten it.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I hope you have a good anniversary today!!!
10 years.....that's great!!


marika's picture

And I have had a GREAT day!

Anne 8102's picture

Enjoy your special day!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Sebbie's picture

NCP should have rights too!
10 years..that is awesome....Looking forward to getting there myself.

laughterandtears's picture

Hear ye, Hear ye, we at Step Talk give you a cyber Medal of Honor for all your effort and hard work over the last ten years, you have earned it. I can only hope to be there myself one day. Congrats!!


Little Jo's picture

That's what's it's all about.

Have a great day. Jo

Cruella's picture

An online trophy!!!! Congratulations!!!