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Holy Crap - Here is an article about wanting to raise the age of adulthood from 18 to 25.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

If this is true or happens in the next few years I will leave my DH to spare my own sanity. I can't bare 9 more years. I've already barely made it 10 and I'm counting the days until youngest Stepshit turns 18 (2 months, and 1 year :P)


Anon2009's picture

I heard something to that effect- that people are now adolescents until they are 25. Very scary. When I was growing up I couldn't wait until I was 18.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

My stepshits are very lazy and entitled just like their Mom. They will refuse to work and will ride this as long as they possibly can.

She taught them that living off others is what you do.

I remember one time when youngest stepshit was about 7. He threw a giagantic fit over something and started yelling at his Dad that his dad was responsible for him until he was 18 and he was darn sure going to make sure it happened. Then gloated about what he just said.

I've been dreaming of telling that fucker on his 18th B-day that his Dad is no longer responsible for him and if he choses to put him through college it is out of the kindness of his heart.

PLEASE DON'T LET THIS BE TRUE! I can't take 9 more years of entitled kids and entitled BM!

PeanutandSons's picture

If my ss11 could read past a second grade level, hed being doing the happy dance right now.

He actually broke down in tears at age 9 when his class did an assignment about job when he realized he wzs an adult in a other 9 years. Hyserical crying begging me to tell him that everyone was joking that he would be zn adult when he turned 18.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Whew, it's UK only.

But I still feel bad for the UK parents! This is a friggen' nightmare!

PeanutandSons's picture

Thats the kind of stuff I think about when I see crap like this. Whole other cultures consider 15 to be adukt.....and those adts get married start households and have babies just fine. Just two generations agk kids jn America did the exact same thing rjght at 18.

Its all about expectations. If you expect 25 yr olds tk act like kids and take no responsibly, then thats exactly what you will get. Expe,t and demand thag your 16 yr old pulls their weightat homeand work and ks respectful..... Thats what you get.

PeanutandSons's picture

Thats the kind of stuff I think about when I see crap like this. Whole other cultures consider 15 to be adukt.....and those adts get married start households and have babies just fine. Just two generations agk kids jn America did the exact same thing rjght at 18.

Its all about expectations. If you expect 25 yr olds tk act like kids and take no responsibly, then thats exactly what you will get. Expe,t and demand thag your 16 yr old pulls their weightat homeand work and ks respectful..... Thats what you get.

just.his.wife's picture

If this passes, I swear to you I will sponser a bill that from age 25 and up children are responsible financially for their parents.

And I will take that sucker up through the supreme court if needed. What is good for the goose is good for the gander right?!?!'s picture

This is bullshit- it just feeds the whole self entitled spoiled little bitch until I'm 25 skids. This article will make me go on a rant.

stormabruin's picture

So, having sex with a 24-year old would be statutory rape?
Good luck to the parents trying to convince their kids to keep their pants on for another 5 years!

Whateva's picture

As much I long for a long healthy life , the thought of the youth that will be in charge during my golden years frightens the Beegeebers out of me...SMH and if my step kids are any indicator of whats being reared....well we are doomed Wink

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Good Lord. I know!

And a good percentage of them will start dropping dead from heart attacks and strokes from diabetes in their 30's because they sit and lay all day and night playing video games and watching TV while feed their bodies crap. Most of them never get a lick of exercise and are morbidly obese.

My own SS is 100 lbs overweight because of what I mentioned above.

We will out live this generation. They already have heart disease and metabolic disorders from such terrible lifestyle choices.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

This is just messed up beyond belief.

Children (minors) would then be allowed to vote and drink?

The cost of raising these entitles brats will then double putting the parents in debt forever.

And on and on.

This is a terrible idea. Almost as terrible as Obamacare. :O

Elizabeth's picture

I think DH would embrace this. As soon as my oldest niece turned 18, he told me SHE was an adult. OK, fine. I was away at college and essentially independent before I turned 18, so I don't disagree with that.

BUT, SD20 is STILL not an adult. DH thinks the magic age for her is 21 because, get this, 1) she's in college (niece didn't go) and 2) she doesn't mature as fast as other kids. What do you want to bet that once SD turns 21 DH will say she is STILL not an adult, and that won't happen until she graduates from college, which at the rate she is going will be age 23 or so. Gaaa!!!

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I'm 21! I have 2 kids and a stepdaughter! Please, someone explain to me how I am supposed to still be a "child"??? That stopped when I was 17!

stormabruin's picture

LOL! That's looking pretty rough for your parents then...supporting 2 generations for 4 more years.

KiFire's picture

Holy cow I'm not an adult yet! lmfao. I turn 24 in December, have a 4y.o and have lived on my own since the March after I turned 18. I drove my ass to my last 2 months of HS from my apartment. Had BS at 19, and have been with fDH since BS was 3mos old. I'm currently in school because I'm sick of living off crap wages and half of FDH's income goes to the BMs. I clean houses for extra $$ and go to school at night/online. FDH works 90hour weeks between two jobs and we have one car.

I see tons of people my age living off their daddies and welfare... both of the BMs and my Ex are like that. It drives me up the wall.

I.Just.Live.Here's picture

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard... I've been pretty much on my own since I was 17. My parents certainly never handed things to me and I never asked them to. My mom offered to pay for my first two quarters in college though really I just felt pressured to do what she wanted. Cutting the financial apron strings was the best thing for my relationship with my mother. By 20 I was completely on my own and now my husband and I are getting out of debt and really starting our lives. According to this article, I still have three more years before I'm an adult. By the time I'm an 'adult' according to them I'll be completely out of debt with two kids, a career, and hopefully be thinking towards moving out of the country. Dirol