Can I just stay home?
Seriously...the closer the IN trip comes, the more I just want to stay home! I hate this! Ugh...small podunk town with nothing to do...except of course fish in some mosquito infested pond next to MIL's house. Do you any of get stuck visiting In Laws, having to stay in their house, in some boring little town? How do you cope?! I couldn't bare letting my husband take my 11 month old with him for a whole week without me...
- melis070179's blog
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Not any more!!
Those crappy vacations ended for me when my 'starter' husband and I split up! I know your pain though... Being stuck in the middle of butt f*ck Canada, at the in-laws who forgot to speak english half the time was not my idea of a 'vacation'.
Is there anything else around there? Even a short drive, or "day trip", just to get away from the idle family chit chat, and gossip around the kitchen table?
If worse comes to worse, I've heard you can buy Xanax and Valium online... lol
I drink & pop pills but
I'd drink & pop pills but grandpa and MIL are recovering alcoholics & pill popper, respectively...nothing there. Not even a freaking hotel. Oh, but BM is there! YAY! :sick:
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
I have to agree
I have found most undesirable situation become a touch more bearable after a couple glasses of win, or a couple bloody mary's or a couple....well pick your poison.....
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards
LOL Melis
Why of COURSE!!!
We took a 2 week family vacation to visit FIL and SMIL in TN and then on to visit MIL in Chicago. Let's just say that I LOVE my inlaws, but I don't EVER want to stay at either of their homes if I can help it. Sorry.
In TN we went to visit FIL and SMIL. Their house was soooo tiny and crowded with STUFF. I kept insisting that we get a hotel, but they would not hear of it. Don't want to seem ungrateful or snooty on your first visit now do we?
Luckily FILs sister lived around the block and she had been in the hospital or nursing home or something, so FIL let us stay at her house for the night since we were only passing through. OMG OMG OMG!!! Now Ashton could have jumped out at any given moment and broke this thing up. At the Auntie's house I had to run a bath because she did not have a shower. That was not the bad part though. It took 20 minutes to get enough water to cover the freaking bottom of the tub. NO lie. It was an ALLLL night production trying to get 5 people bathed there. THe water was equivalent to a two year old pissing out after downing an 1/2 a sippy cup...Not MUCH flow and SURELY no water pressure.
I finally gave up and when I had enough water to sprinkle on me and take communion. I ended up taking a whore bath squating in a tub of not even an inch of water!!!! MAN was I wishing for a sink or bucket. It might not have been so bad if my liter of water was not spread out over a WHOLE big tub. OMG! AND there were no wash cloths. We had to bathe with face towels! DO you know how hard it is to bathe with a towel that size. HEAVY. Don't even figure in that once you dipped it in the water to get it wet so that you can add your soap you had sopped up ALL your freaking BATH water and were squating in an EMPTY TUB. OMG! I had such leg cramps from squating and trying to hit the most important parts that night. We all joke and tease about that til this day. Good thing we were only passing through and needed ONE night. I don't think I could handle 2 nights at that lil Inn.
Then we finally arrive at MILs in Chicago. It was slightly better but not much. If old homes have pipes like those I don't care WHAT kinda charm they have...I am NOT interested. Ugh! MILs old house had a very slow stream of water, but you could get a semi-decent shower if you didn't OVER lather yourself. I had a hard time with the one bathroom for everyone and that DH, BD and Myself had to sleep in a Queen Sized Bed. Talk about the things we do for love. AND I was the one bunched in the middle. I hate for anyone to touch me when I'm sleeping. We stayed there a week and it was a hoot to hear us kids and all fighting on who was gonna be first in the shower. The saving grace was that MIL lived in the outskirts of Chicago so we had a BLAST during the day checking out the sights. I tell you one thing though. Cured me of my twice daily showers that trip. LOL. Probably the dirtiest I have ever been in my adult life.
The best part is that I have really great InLaws so all teasing aside (even though I am not exaggerating about them damn bird baths I had) they were fun to spend time with.
May the force be with you my friend. Podunk with mosquito infested fishing...I dunno. I think I am liking my bird baths. Chirp. Chirp.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
She has the opposite problem
She has the opposite problem with her shower...if you even think about turning it on more than a drip then you end up with a bath & shower at the sametime...the water drains about as fast quicksand! At least you had fun during the day! For me, the day will be as bad as the night...all of us crammed into her little modular home where you can hear every sound through the paper thin walls. Did I mention I can't sleep with any noise?
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
take earphones or earplugs. Sometimes when I am a bit restless I put my MP3 on low and drift off.
OK I would be so creeped out standing in a shower with the dirty water rising around my ankles. Aaaaaggggggghhhh! I would so LOSE it. Can you go for little walks? Is there anything to see along a "nature" walk? I mean anything besides snakes, frogs, fish and mosquitos? Take baby's stroller and stroll. Take a GOOD book and relax. Rent some movies and take along. Oh I hate Podunk! Sorry. LOL.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
There is 1 TV in the whole
There is 1 TV in the whole house...and 3 lets say TV/movies are out of the question, plus MIL is deaf so she always has to have the subtitles on (annoying)...They live on a very long dirt/gravel road & I wouldn't have room for the stroller in the car even if I was able to stroll down it...yes shower is disgusting...last time we were there it was Thanksgiving and I made DH leave after 1.5 days (1/2 day early)...that was a 2 day trip & this is a friggin week...I am going to DIE. Worst part is, I can't really just drink or bury myself in solo activities because we have an 11 month old that needs lots of supervision/care. And lucky me with all the suitcases we'll need there won't be much room for his toys to self entertain LOL
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Yeah I bring that for my 5
Yeah I bring that for my 5 yr old because BMs son watches cartoons that he cannot watch, so I have to bring DVDs for him for bedtime...
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Ugh... cr*p.
Are there railroad tracks you can lay down on??? :O
Just kidding... I'm out of ideas...
yes, there is ONE...and no stop sign so score for the quick death! I'd log in while I'm there to tell ya'll about my misery but SS will be there and is permanently attached to the computer
I might just have to hide a bottle or two in my bag and spike my drinks
I'm getting depressed just thinking about it...oh and he's added a trip through AL at the end to see his father who has absolutely no interest in his life anyway, and his psycho wife who is the trashiest woman I've ever met. In fact, the only time I met her she drug us to her mother's, who was about 70 at the time, and she had a dip in her mouth! She's dead now. *sigh*
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Melis, where abouts in
Melis, where abouts in Indiana you going to? I live in northwest Indiana, about an hour or so from chicago!
I wish. Its Linton, its
I wish. Its Linton, its southwest IN apparently.
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
If you are coming though AL stop in and see me. I have hot running water, indoor plumbing and a cave to die for. LOL
Its Huntsville ex-boyfriend of mine is also in AL...hmmm...LOL
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Huntsville is only a couple of hours away. Isnt that where they also have the space station?
yes, we'll only be there 1
yes, we'll only be there 1 day & we are going to the space station...I am not as worried about AL cause we can stay in a hotel there
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Yes we did and actually survived
We had to go back to see SD's son be baptized--middle of winter, small miserable town with BM, ILs from hell, etc. We stayed with MIL (who loves me) in her trailer, not too bad, bed's too soft, but at least we have some privacy.
I dreaded the trip so bad I cried when it was first broached. We had gladly left those psycho people when we moved 1000 miles for better weather and more opportunities. Baby baptism, talk about being on BM's turf. SD and baby live with her. DH wouldn't go with out me so I sucked it up. Brought work so I could have something to do if I wanted to escape. We definitely bought some medicinal JD.
It was better than I thought, SD actually was nice to me, SILS were civil, and BM kept her distance. We had to endure a lot of, "you actually like it THERE?" as we waded through snow up to our armpits and battled howling winds. Oh yeah. We like it "there" --our new home.
I don't ever have 2 go 2 my ILs. My husbands dad has passed on & his mother is still in love with BM so I'm not ever missed. I like it that way 2. I don't have 2 put up with her ridiculous opinions on everything that is none of her business. I am not missing a thing. I consider myself pretty lucky if u want 2 know the truth. We go 2 my moms & have a great time everytime.
Books on CD
Books on CD are also good. Just need a CD player and some earphones and batteries.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P