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How much notice is required when not taking your kid for the designated school break?

missangie1978's picture

So as of last week the ex had decided that she didn't want ss to come down during spring break (I think it was a money issue and she thought she'd be moving back by than). Well my fiancee and I had planned on taking that week off so that we could go somewhere and have some time together and when we found out she wasn't going to have him come down we cancelled our plans.

Here's the kicker - as of yesterday she now wants ss to come down but she needs to hold off on getting plan tickets because she's suppose to be getting a refund from her old apartment and if that comes through she wants ss to come down. WTF! Why can't see figure things out ahead of time? The ticket for him to go down to see her are now over $400 which means we need to pay for 1/2 and we've already cancelled our plans and can't get the reservation and time off any more.

My question is are we required to let him go down this late in the game? The truth is ss doesn't really care either way and I'm just sick of constantly having to live according to her schedule.


Anonymous's picture

Unless you don't stop letting her run the show, lol. Tell her so sad too bad, you've already changed your plans and next time there needs to be a plan in place that is strictly followed. I would take that time off and go have fun, forget her drama and stop putting up with that S@*T!