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Ugh - another weekend.

MissElphaba's picture

This is a visitation weekend :O ...apparently SO and the Grand High Seahag have decided "together" :jawdrop: that our schedule with her should be more regular and all that. They're getting along, :sick: which makes me want to puke - simply because I'm not stupid and I know this will only last until GHSH does something to completely screw SO. She's not aware of my pregnancy or SO's idea that he and I should get married. Convenient.

I would bet, that because of his ball-less attitude with her, he will neglect telling her about either of those things until after they've happened, but that's another story.

I just don't feel like having the Mini Seahag here this weekend. It makes me want to bang my head against a wall to have her rummaging through our things. I'm not "allowed" to ignore her, because that just turns SO into a huge bitch to be around, and it's not worth fighting with him because his pwecious pwincess doesn't feel welcome. Newsflash - it's not my job to lay out the welcome mat for her, it's not my job to make sure she has a million activities while she's here, and it is also not my job to lay down and dedicate my weekends to someone else's child. If SO wants to lay down for GHSH and MSH then that's really his business. DS and I will continue our lives and routines. I am just so freaking sick of hearing about it!

For example. We are planning DS's first hair cut, he's just turned 1. Now - I am well aware that for some people this is not an event to remember, he will cry and it will be a pain etc... He's my first baby, I love his hair, and I'm sorry - I want to make a big deal out of it. I refused to take him to where MSH got her hair cut all those years, because SO and GHSH were buddies with the owner. NO. I will not sit there and have my son's first hair cuttery experience be a rehashing session about how "cute" it was when MSH had it done. I just will not do that. I am sick of every one of his milestones being anchored to some discussion about hers.

I've been invited to attend a seminar being given by an author I've recently come to adore and I will spend the weekend revisiting her book. I will also spend it planning our vacation next year, because white sandy beaches are a much more fun distraction.


MissElphaba's picture

Omg I'm 27 WEEKS. I am bellied up. They really are that stupid. I am wearing my maternity clothes from when I was pregnant with my 1 year old. So...

Cocoa's picture

" I'm not "allowed" to ignore her, because that just turns SO into a huge bitch to be around, and it's not worth fighting with him"

oh, I disagree. do not allow that man to dictate the relationship you have with his children. the only thing he has a right to expect from you is to be polite. anything else is a blessing for him and he'd better appreciate it!