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Day Two

misskiya's picture

So this morning has been much better. Everyone is cranky when they first get out of bed, myself included, and this often leads to issues that seem to permeate the day. Today,I refuse to let that happen. It's Wednesday, and Wednesday is DH's day off during the week. It is also the day that BD is out of school early. It is supposed to be 73 degrees today with perfect kite winds, so we're hoping to pick up kites for the whole family, and spend a day at the park.

This morning started out hairy. SS5 woke up and mumbled about cereal, which is fine (though I do have a tendency to make him enunciate his request before I'll actually fulfill it). While I made the cereal, I just happened to turn around and find him picking his nose, and wiping the nasties on the carpet. This was a breaking point for me today. Already, at 7:45 in the morning, I felt done. Here's where I wonder whether I went wrong, or whether this was appropriate action that he refused to accept.

I asked him to tell me what he was doing. We have a hard and fast rule about nose picking and nasties (we had this problem once before, and I understand it's a common boy problem). This is how the conversation went.

Me: SS5, what were you doing?

SS5: What did you see me doing?

Me: That's what I'm asking you. I'm giving you the chance to tell me the truth about what you were doing.

SS5: *silence*

Me: SS5, I asked you a question. I expect a response please.

SS5: I'm thinking.

Me: It's not a "thinking" situation dude. I'm giving you the chance to tell me the truth. I already saw you picking your nose and wiping it on the floor. But this is your chance to let me know and not get in trouble. I suggest you take it.

SS5: You saw me pick my nose.

Me: Yeah, and that's why I'm asking you. I'm giving you the chance to be honest. Were you in here picking your nose and wiping it on the floor?

SS5: I don't know.

At this point I got frustrated. It's walk to school day for my daughter, meaning I would have to leave SS5 in the house while DH was sleeping, and at that point I didn't feel like I could trust him not to do it again. So I explained to him that I would wake up DH so that he could watch SS5 for the 15 minutes it takes me to walk BD to school. That's exactly what I did.

I feel guilty, because I think I went overboard. I also feel like I don;t even want to deal with him today. Yet it was something so small. I wonder if maybe I'm just not handling things in the best light. I know I went overboard this morning. I can't take that back, so I'm determined to make it a good day for the remainder of today. How do you guys deal when you lose your cool and take things too far?