Everything- EVERYTHING- with BM is a great big covfefe!!!
This is my new favorite word.
The word, the way the situation unraveled and was dealt sums BM and everything about her up....PERFECTLY.
- MJL2010's blog
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I had to google that.
I had to google that.
LOL. I woke up with that
LOL. I woke up with that this morning... Too funny!
Seriously? As if you have
Seriously? As if you have never in your life typed something wrong..ever? I sure have and pretty much every human being I have ever met has too.
I might not want to defend everything he has done, but this situation is pretty clearly showing the bias that the media has in what it will cover.
It doesn't even have to be a "real" thing.. shoot, they will even try to make headlines out of some supposed body language or two frames in a video.. it's really childish.
"LOL Confefe. What a complete
"LOL Confefe. What a complete idiot to write a tweet like that. But really it does crack me up. Confefe!"
I believe what he typed--and what is listed in this post above--is "covfefe." No more of a word, but, really hilarious that you misspelled his typo--TWICE! ha ha ha!
Guess my point was
Guess my point was
Anyone can make a mistake typing... anyone }:)
Covfefe is way better than
Covfefe is way better than the nasty ass, D lister, Griffin's crap going around the www.
Same pants different day.
lol this comment made me
lol this comment made me laugh. Bias lives on. I hope the secret service arrests her idiot self.
I don't care what you do.
I don't care what you do. Lmao
Yes. It wore me out. Lordy,
Yes. It wore me out. Lordy, that's funny
It's really fun for me.
It's really fun for me. Nothing more entertaining than a triggered liberal.
Keep on name calling - typical liberal
Pretty soon I'll be racist, too.
But did you see how he
But did you see how he addressed it? I am not comparing his typo to BM- I'm comparing because 1. it took him hours to address it and 2. his way of dealing with it was not to OWN his typo but to imply that his Twitter followers should do the work to figure out what the hell he meant. This is classic BM behavior (classic narcissist behavior).
LOL you missed my point- this
LOL you missed my point- this is not picking on him as much as it is comparing one tweet and how it was handled by the tweeter to loathsome BM and her similar behavior. Hence why it is on ST and not a political forum.
Because nothing screams take
Because nothing screams take me seriously than wearing a vajay-jay on your head.
"But yet we still have
"But yet we still have healthcare"
Bahahahaha, you really are a special kind of stupid aren't you?
You only still have healthcare (some of the worst in the first world) because Trump care didn't go through.
My daughter hasn't been
My daughter hasn't been treated like a second class citizen. Unless running around the Mediterranean coast and five countries is second class?? Or getting her education and working and becoming a manager is second class? Or being engaged to her USAF airman who is currently serving our country overseas
I don't know. She seems to be loving life
I'll take selfish for a
I'll take selfish for a thousand, please.
idiocy ****************
idiocy ****************
lol how do you know how well
lol how do you know how well I have it? Just asking for curiosity sake
I never said I was republican either. You assumed that as well.
Typical screeching. That's the problem with you. You assume and sound like an ass. LMAO
Lol my daughter earned that
Lol my daughter earned that trip thru her honors society -
So you're dead wrong.
The rest of that comes from your other triggered assumptions.
Fake news, my ass. Stop assuming crap you don't know. You have zero credibility.
So all you can do is insult someone that doesn't believe the same as you. I don't think I'm the one with issues.
It's ok, Cocktail. Just let
It's ok, Cocktail. Just let her rant and insult. But I appreciate your comment.
lol, shitsmeared or not, I'll
lol, shitsmeared or not, I'll take some of those...I'll just launder them
Aww, thanks! Lurves ya
Aww, thanks! Lurves ya
lol, not yet.... this weekend
lol, not yet.... this weekend is looking covfefe....
I'm going to use the word like the Smurfs use "Smurf". Wanna play a game? Guess my sentence!
My smurf is a smurfy smurf, and his smurf isn't much smurfer.
LMAO Hahahahahahahaha
LMAO Hahahahahahahaha
English is a difficult
English is a difficult language; it can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
backwards, Efef Voc means
backwards, Efef Voc means Indeed you
lol.... it also means
lol.... it also means Facebook if you switch it to Hebrew.
here, renewal
here, renewal -
this concise definition also touches on tho and though:
sorry sweetie, i'm an english
sorry sweetie, i'm an english nut. it was more of a hobby for me than a core class!

ladies relax please.... at
ladies relax please....
at least your President graduated from high school while ours only passed grade 6

I doubt it renewal..... oh
oh definitely better qualified in how to take government money to self enrich...
but if our Honorable President gives a speech.... there's nothing to understand, not one word... and it goes on for hours and hours.......
seems like it lol...... I'm
seems like it lol......
I'm going to teach your President another word... confoculated..... he confoculates his nation with his covfefe
Seriously smh. Anyway, to
:? Seriously smh. Anyway, to anyone who reads carefully enough to get the comparison (Lucy), you "get" what BM is like. She could have done that same thing in an email and it she would find a way to make it DH's fault or mine and it would be up to him to figure out what she meant. DH could have been married to Donald Trump!
I told SO the other day, BM
I told SO the other day, BM suffers from Trumpatitis!
Maybe he meant French
Maybe he meant French President Macron gave him some covfefe
Also, I just realized that
Also, I just realized that "covfefe" has kind of the same feel as "clusterfuck"- a word that can be used to describe so much }:)
I had a good laugh at this-
I had a good laugh at this- thank you Lucy. You raise many excellent points about 45. Please know that some of the eyes your comments are falling on, are not blind to the ridiculous covfefe this nation finds itself in now.
What do you think the plural should be?
What about the pronunciation? I'm torn.
Oh, and when is someone going to do a parody of Chainsmokers' "Paris"- that reflects that we will likely be one of THREE nations to no longer be part of the Paris Climate deal?
Maybe it's an acronym for
Maybe it's an acronym for Covert FeeFee's!! LMAO
AHHHH I think you're onto
AHHHH I think you're onto something here, ItsGrowing!!!!!
I think he was sitting on
I think he was sitting on the crapper and fell asleep.
I woke up this morning with the biggest pain in my covfefe.
Aniki's Covfefe 1 oz. Yellow
Aniki's Covfefe
1 oz. Yellow Curacao
1 oz. Godiva White Chocolate liqueur
1 oz. Dooley's Cream liqueur
1 oz. Hideous liqueur
2 dashes Fernet bitters
Combine ingredients in a shaker filled with ice.
Shake vigorously.
Strain into 4 shot glasses.
Garnish each with a marzipan Cheeto.
Yellow Curacao: yellow-colored, orange-flavored liqueur
Godiva White Chocolate: duh
Dooley's: toffee, caramel, praline and hints of milk chocolate
Hideous: a magenta-colored liqueur, similar in flavor to a Cosmopolitan
Fernet bitters: myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom, aloe, and saffron, with a base of grape distilled spirits
I can't believe there are already shirts made with this crap.
Just laughing and laughing at
Just laughing and laughing at all the fun and merriment on here. This thread has turned into quite a covfefe and back again. We've all again been united by the fact that we are all parts of the at least half, at most the majority, in this country- the stepfamily! I hope you're all knocking back a good strong covfefe. I can't wait to try it, Aniki- for now it's old red wine from a box I forgot we had. Merry, YES! Lucy, you are still my hero and I would absolutely be friends with you IRL.
What a day!
Fight the good fight, STalkers.