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Finally found the perfect name for BM!

MJL2010's picture

After trying on many names for BM, including "CT"- (Crazy Train), "Pigface".....and poaching a couple from Steptalkers ("Beast" is great for her, thank you, FormerAAGirl!), we have found the perfect one. Actually, she gave it to herself because lately her every correspondence has called DH "fool". Today, she made it plural, calling DH and me "fools". So....."Mr. T" is her new name. She doesn't have a Mohawk, and she is the epitome of pompous idiot who makes the most of her British accent, is constantly throwing around British witicisms, get lots of attention like a good narcissist. Her weight may compare with Mr. T's, actually.

yAnyway, thanks BM!


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

I usually call BM by her actual name, when she's being nasty I call her "troll" though cause her hair resembles that of a troll doll.

My mother calls her husbands ex wife "she who" short for She who shall not be named. lol

GoldenGoose's picture

Wecall our BM#2, troll, as well. She looks like the troll from the story of the billygoats gruff. LOL

purpledaisies's picture

We call our bm Yuckopotamus b/c she has the build of a hippo! LOL }:) She has a HUGE bubble butt shaped just like one and dh says she is just YUCK! lmao Dh came up with it not me so I have to give him the credit.

Most Evil's picture

We call BM by her name, which is now considered a new curse word. It is a deadly insult to call anyone else her name now!!

But sometimes I call her Bitchy for short!!

IslandofDreams's picture

I have yet to come up with a suitable name for the bitch who wears a pound and a half of makeup to look decent, is shallow, depends everyone else to support her kids and just knows everything about "loving to be a mom"...GAG! :sick: