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Baptism Update

mndblwn's picture

DH got to talk with bishop about the baptism. Bishop agreed that ss8 should go to church a few more times to be better educated about the religion. First I have to tell you that DH was contacted by the church not the other way around. All he did was tell his opinion which isn't that ss shouldnt be baptized but that it should be done later in the year. Second BM is so pissed at DH because he caught her in a bunch of lies. Like for example that the bishop that there was no dad in the picture. Also that both parents have to agree for the baptism to happen. BM tells DH that its postponed because he made an issue. How is letting someone know your opinion making an issue? It's his son that he has raised his whole life. She bounced for 4 years. BM then tells DH "your welcome for inviting you and your family." How is telling ss dad about something important like a favor?

So BM lost DH wins and life will go on