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internal combustion feeling

mndblwn's picture

Things have become somewhat better with BM since DH has had the court order set in place and went in front of the judge. however i don't like the court order set up by dh and bm only to trap bm into not being around. we have a phone all restriction for m, w, f, and sat nights between 5 and 530. we have to give notice when going out of town. we provide a home phone for bm with ss6 yet since we are going out of town she wants to call dh cell phone. cant this woman allow family time with ss andnot bug us for just one day? dh and i know that if she went out to town then we would allow boy to enjoy his time not be talking on the phone. her point isnt to talk to her son it's to make our time miserable and be a pain in our butt. i don't know how to feel or what to do. this woman is poison to this boy and im afraid she will manipulate him into disliking dh in the future. how do we stop that from happening? her whole point into wanting the boy for three weekends a month is to take away from dh and be the disneyland mom. we still are packing a back for him to go with her. she has no financial responisbility for her son like child support or medical insurance or buying him the essentials in life. she buys only toys and junk which is at her house so we don't have to deal with it all.

this boy is like my own child and i feel like he is being ripped away by the dark side. im the stepparent and i feel like im internally going insane and will blow up. dh is worried but he tries to make the best of it and its getting easier for him to be away from his boy yet the boy is just with a woman who only wants to tear dh heart apart.


BSgoinon's picture

I am sorry that you are going through all of this. She sounds like a bitter person to me. Sadly, it will be hardest on your SS. Sounds a lot like my SS's BM (not being financially responsible and only buying junk for him and not essentials). I wish I had an answer of how to make that feeling go away inside of you. If I had that answer, I probably wouldn't be sitting her right now panicing about my own SS going to BM's tonight to be brainwashed...again. Hang in there.