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I convinced my fiancee to go for custody, and I totally am starting to regret it!

MollyBee's picture

Back in March my fiance filed to modify the shared parenting arrangement he has with his ex wife. We have been together for 3 years, and his kid is 8 years old now. She still pees her pants, has a UTI constantly, poops herself, lies, had lice for over 6months, steals, and has had more tardies and absences I have ever seen a child have at school, and tells her little friends that she has slept naked with a boy like boyfriend and girlfriend do. I caught her literally molesting my child who is also a girl when my daughter was 3 and she was 6. I called social services anonomously, because the childs mother is psycho and very violent and didn't want to be attacked. NOTHING HAPPENED!!! Children services never even called her mom. Last October, the mothers dog viciously attacked my fiance's daughter, and she had to recieve several stiches on her mouth, nose, and forehead. Yet the mother REFUSES to get rid of the dog. I called children services again and the mom never recieved a visit. The dog warden also filed a report with social serices because another child was attacked by the same dog a year before, but CS failed this little girl, big time.
The child told us that she lost recess privledges in first grade. My fiance and I went in to have a conference and found out that his daughter held another girl down and cut her hair with scissors, and her mother told the school it was because the father left the them for another woman and the child had a hard time adjusting! They had already been divorced for 6 years! The child was less than 6 months old when they split so I doubt she would even remember her parents together! The teacher then told us that the child pees her pants nearly every day at school and they are always unsuccessful in contacting her mother to bring her clean clothes so we had the school start calling ME when she needed clean clothes. But the reason she lost recess was due to all of her tardies to school. We were then informed that the childs school fees had not been paid, they were only $15 so it was not a big deal. We also paid them for second grade last year. In second grade, her mother never gave her lunch money so she had to charge school lunches. It came to a point where the school refused to let her charge anymore and they only gave her peanut butter sandwiches and milk to eat. This went on for weeks before the child finally told us. On top of all these things, she dresses like an 8 year old tramp. Mini skirts, big hoop earrings, belly shirts, and heels, all are worn to school. I told her school that I was dissapointed in them that they didn't contact social services about any of the childs issues, many of which were hidden from my fiance.
The child is now out of the country with her mother. She told my fiance once about the trip, and that it was for a month, but left no phone number, address, or email so we could keep in contact with the child. It has been 3 weeks since we have seen her. The mother motioned for a guardian ad litem, which is rediculously expensive. The magistrate granted it, and we have to pay a $750 deposit for it by 9/9/09. That's more than our mortgage. Our attorney said he would tell the judge that it was unfair, but he didn't care obviously. I know for a fact that the child will be completely brainwashed by her mother by the time she gets back. More than a month with no contact with anyone from our family is just wrong.How is that even fair?? Of course it will be akward until we get her back into routine. That will be hard though because when he calls to get his daughter the mother never answers or calls back. Before he motioned for full custody we had the kid all the time. Now we are lucky to get her once a month. it is so obvious what her mother is doing!
To make matters worse, the mother called the father of my daughter to dig up "dirt" on me. He is not active in my childs life at all, and wants to let my fiance adopt her. My fiance's ex calls my ex and says oh don't do that. don't let anyone adopt your kid. Like it's ANY of her business!
And my fiance's daughter is playing both sides very well. My fiance spent over $1000 on her for her birthday, and does whatever she wants when she does come. He bought her a $700 water slide and she said you could have got me the bigger one!! when she opened up her presents she said I wonder what I will get at my moms house. How nice. Her mother got her a cell phone and calls her way past 11 pm when she spends the night here.
I can't take the games that are being played. The kid's mother will call or text my fiance when she knows I am not around and says I need to talk to you and when he calls her back she never has anything to say. I know she is just trying to cause problems but believe you me it does. I feel like I am losing my mind!
I will end with this: we went for custody based on the child's well being, and the mother's criminal record. She has 2 warrants for unserved jail time for 2 DUI's. She was as recently arrested July 3 for drug possesion, and disorderly conduct. She has another warrant in another town for a DUI, and 2 more warrants in another town for drug trafficking.At least 5 warrants total that we know about.I can't believe she boarded a plane out of the country, and I really believe our attorney isn't doing more for us. There are so many more things, I could go on and on. Is there even hope for us getting the child? Or are we just wasting time?


bioandstep2009's picture

It would seem that it would be in the child's best interest to be with you and FH rather than BM BUT, I'm not encouraged by the justice system's habit of holding fathers to a much higher standard and giving BMs a slap on the wrist. But seriously, it seems like your chances are good especially if she has all those criminal things against her. Good luck!

MollyBee's picture

and it makes me worry about her mental health. I met her BM mom once while BM was in jail and the judge gave us emergency custody, and the BMs mom showed up and tried to sneak the child out of the school without us seeing! We had to call the police because she wouldn't put the child down and let us take her. She called me every bad name you could possibly think of, for no reason. Slut, bi polar, etc. Her outburst made me question her mental health! Then, on another occassion, the plan was for me to pick up my Fiance's daughter from school, and her BM showed up and tried to pull me out of my car to fight her and went crazy on me in front of her daugher's entire school! so right there are 2 public disturbances caused by her family that humilliated the poor kid! The kid herself can be violent and rude and nasty, but then 2 minutes later the sweetest, most loving child!

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

Your BM sounds like an extreme version of the BM I deal with. BM has been in trouble with the law several times, but nothing overly serious. I keep saying that part of the reason is that she just hasn't been caught yet because I can almost guarantee that BM drives drunk. And BM's father, mother & stepfather have all done jail time. So I keep thinking, it's only a matter of time...

From what you wrote, it sounds an awful lot like your SD has been molested. The kid definitely needs to talk with someone.

I'm not surprised that child services hasn't done anything. My husband has called child services on BM & they basically shrug off what he tells them. It's not bad enough! If we can prove that BM is leaving the kids home alone all day (SD8 & her half sister, who was 10 at this time), they "might" look into it. Meanwhile, BM gets away with leaving the kids alone for long periods of time because she doesn't want to pay a baby-sitter. Nice. The way it seems is that unless BM is BEATING the kids, child services won't do anything. I'm sorry, but physical violence is not the only way to scar a kid for life!

Also, the school...I've been asking the same thing...why can't they report any of this stuff? You know they see what's happening. And yet...nothing. The teachers don't even want to get involved. Again, I guess if the kids aren't coming to school with bruises & fat lips, oh well!

Before the summer, my husband agreed to splitting the summer with BM -- without running the idea by me first. We had SD8 for July & BM has her for August. BM interfered constantly during our month - phone calls, emails, a letter. If BM was just calling to check in with SD8, it would have been ok. However, BM called to put down everything we did with SD8 & to remind SD8 of all the fun things they would be doing in August. It was disgusting. And now BM has SD8 for an entire month. My husband & I are afraid of what she's telling her & how badly she's brainwashing her. See, BM's PAS attack on SD8 every other week was bad enough, but now she's got a whole month to work the kid over. My husband didn't think about that when he agreed to this.

I, too, am sick of BM's games. I know what she's doing, yet there is very little that can be done about it. We should be going to court soon, so we'll see what happens. BM is a wonderful actress & plays a great victim, so I wonder if she'll convince the judge to see her side. Currently, my husband & BM have 50/50 custody, but BM moved 45 minutes from us & has already registered SD8 in school there. How can we have SD8 every other week now? If my husband drives 45 minutes one way to get SD8 to school, he's going to be late for work. And in the winter, the commute will take longer & be dangerous at times. How can this woman do this?!

isthis4me's picture

Finally a BM worse than ours....
I am so sorry for this chilkd nd your family.
Sounds like you are very compassionate and supportive. I would think if you keep calling CPS and other Authorities, it will catch up to BM. What about Kidnapping?

melis070179's picture

Wow. What a psycho. My question is, how did she get the girl a passport to get her out of the country? Did your fiance actually sign the application to get her one????

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

MollyBee's picture

Was something he agreed to sign for 3 years ago before we realized that BM was in and out of jail. At the time, BM was taking SD8 out of the country to meet her extended family. We were not aware that it was good for 5 years for a child. We thought that since children change so much in appearance from year to year that it would have to be renewed yearly.
When my FH first motioned to modify shared parenting, he asked his attorny to seize the child's passport. The attorney didn't request that, and he wants to save all the warrants for the final hearing as kind of a last word as to why we should have custody.
On another note, BM is required to give FH 30 days written notice when she takes her court approved 2 weeks uninterrupted time with the child. The last day that we saw SD8 was July 19. This Sunday will be a month since we have seen her. We have heard through the "grapevine" that they will return home from their trip on the 24th, which is the day before her school starts. Last year SD8 missed the entire first week of school because BM realized her college classes were starting and she flew back alone and didn't buy SD8 a ticket home until a week later. As far as we know, when SD was 7, she flew on a cross country flight back home by herself.