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ohhhh the drugsssss....

MomandSMofSix's picture

SS20 fucked it all up AGAIN. At this point I am not surprised. A little back history before we begin::

Precious little SS was brought up in a ... "broken" household. Or at least that's the excuse everyone loves to use for him. Mother and father were not married until later in his life, both had him young. When he was very young they split for a year or so in which time BM (being the PSYCHO, attention seeking drama queen that she is) decided to make him pay the ultimate price for splitting with her and got a restraining orDer so he could not see his son.
When said order was lifted they ended up back together living in a house with her father SS's father bought. Months later they were pregnant again and got married. SS ended up with 2 more siblings and everyone is a happy family.
SS was smart, all A's. He was good at everything he tried, even State champ wrestling! A few years later SS's grandfather died and it seemed all hell broke lose. He quit wrestling, started skiping school and hanging out with an older crowd. Smoking weed and taking whatever happy pills he could get his little paws on. His father spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours trying to help him through rehabs etc... to no avail.

Basically this has been going on for years. When I met my SO precious little SS was living with him because BM gave up on him and pawned him off on his father. 18 years old and doing whatever he felt like in his father's converted basement with whoever he felt like inviting over. Living the good life off Daddy.

All this came to a head aboUT 6 months into our relationship when SS got shit faced and crashed his gf's car, in turn losing his license for 1 Year. A few months later he overdosed and died for 3 mintutes. Ughh this kid.

I and SO put our foot down when he sold his house. SS was out and needed to find a place. Of course, despite the hundreds of friends always hanging around my SO's old house, SS has nowhere to go so SO's family takes him in in another state an hour away from all of the "friends". SS has no car so going to visit his old friends becomes impossible and my SO's dad puts his foot down and makes him find a good job.

Things seem to be going well. Those of us who have dealt with the drug or alcohol addicted in our lives know better however ... but we keep quiet. Feb 14, 2015 SS takes the $1200 he worked so hard all week for, hitches a ride to see old "friends" and overdoses again. He was dead. It took 3 shots to bring him back. He was gone for 10 minutes....

Do you think he cares? No of course not. We get all the "I'm not a junkie or an addict I was just having a good time" speech all over again. Enough is enough. We have him sanctioned. He's been there for 2 months, doing better, mood seems to be lifting etc...

My SO gets a call late last night from SS looking for a ride back to Rehab facility. He "fucked up" ... left Monday. Decided to wait until Fri to call his father because he ran out of the $$ he had cleaned out of his bank account and had nowhere else to go.... you f-ING lowlife LOSER. As if being a SM to entitled spoiled brats isnt enough I have THIS to deal with....

How awful is it that I am 30 weeks pregnant with the LOVE OF MY LIFE's baby and I think about us splitting up regularly because of Skids... I just don't know what to do anymore


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

My DH's nephew is 23. He just came back from the left coast because he needed to get into rehab. He had dropped out of college freshman year, after excelling in HS and pursuing an engineering degree. But then he started smoking weed and failing classes. DH's BIL pulled him out of school and gave him a dose of tough love. That's when nephew, at age 20, decided to move from the east coast to the west coast. All of those brains and now he does inventory in a warehouse.

He started doing drugs more heavily on the left coast, and has been on heroin. My DH is 28 years clean and sober and finally intervened to kick nephew in the ass, per SIL's wishes. SIL and her hubby were desperate. Insurance didn't cover rehab on the west coast, since 23yo nephew is still on mommy and daddy's east coast insurance. So, right before Easter they flew out and brought him back. He's been in rehab for this past week. I think a 10-day detox and then a 30-day rehab.

DH and I don't know the full extent of how many close calls nephew had while out west. We just know it was getting worse and nephew was high all of the time.

These kids will never learn. Your SS needs a good kick in the ass, but when they have put their life on the line, it's hard to say no to a desperate family member. Pisses me off, but we know we have to support them until they can learn to help themselves. When will it ever end?

~ Moon

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

As we are learning, after a certain point you have no choice but to cut the cord and let them hit bottom because we can't make the right choices for them So you cross your fingers and pray that bottom won't be death.