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Bon Voyage, skid!

momjeans's picture

I hope this weather doesn’t prevent skid from flying home tomorrow. It has been a long 3 weeks.

We’re currently in the teens with flurries. It’s going to be in the single digits over night, with a high of 21* degrees on Friday. Crossing my fingers her flight doesn’t get cancelled.

DH and I had a heated discussion last night, regarding revisiting the CO issue, and BM going against it - every freaking Christmas. He then threw in tentative plans for skid’s departing dinner, which is happening tonight. I kindly declined. I calmly told him he was more than welcome to go, with or without our kids - that he SHOULD absolutely go. He huffed off with a “Fine, whatever momjeans.” Before I could get another sentence out, DH told me to “shut up” and that I’m “insistent on hating him and his family.”

Alrighty then.


DaizyDuke's picture

I honestly have to say.. SD20 sending me that nasty text message back in August was the best thing that ever could have happened to me! EVERYONE now knows what an immature asshole she is and DH now knows better than to try and get me to pretend I like her and that we're one big happy family. MIL didn't invite her to family Christmas because she didn't want it to be uncomfortable for me. I told her no biggie, I'm a big girl and can handle an annoyance like SD all by my little self, but she insisted. Yippee Hooray!

The days of being forced to put on a smile and pretend are o.v.e.r! Thanks SD! No more wax lips for this chickadee!

I don't understand why these men are so insistent in trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

bearcub25's picture

DSO knows exactly how I feel about SD ignoring any texts from me for the past 6 months. She is 17 and feels she is an adult so she is free to stay with BM and I'm over the whole thing.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What a big ol' poopie head!! I hope that flight goes through as planned!!

BTW, why on earth would you be married to a man you hated?? Think about that, Mr. momjeans!

Dovina's picture

It dumbfounds me, shocks me each and every time these DH's expect us to "suck it up" and ignore the dysfunction like they do.
Good for you momjeans for saying no to the send off dinner. May weather be good and her flight leaves early.

pixielady's picture

Momjeans did you reach any kind of agreement re: the CO and Christmas? Or will it be the same old thing next year? Where was skid during her 3 weeks? At yours or at inlaws? Also for him to tell you to "shut up" is so disrespectful! DH and I would never say that to each other.

momjeans's picture

Skid shares her time here between the in-laws and our home. She’s mostly with them while DH is working. So, a lot of evenings and his days off skid is here.

2017, an odd year, skid wasn’t supposed to be here until the 27th through the new year, per the CO. BM took it upon herself to book the flight - then notified people. It was a BS move if you ask me.

So, this year, per the CO, skid will spend Christmas here AGAIN, because it would take some sort of miracle for BM to wait until the 27th - because she’ll ALL OF A SUDDEN want to stick to the CO, of course.

The modified visitation CO happened in 2013, the year we moved away. Skid has spent every Christmas and New Year away from BM.

We plan on nipping it in the bud asap.