OT - high cholesterol and diet adjustment
... and I want to die.
This whole no cheese, butter, processed meat, refined carbohydrates, sugar thing is going to be the death of me, but I'm going to give it a go. Also upping my exercise with this recent unseasonably warm weather lately.
I will have my blood work done again when I go in for my yearly in April. Hoping to avoid the medication route, but, it wouldn't be the end of the world I'm guessing.
Do any of you have any experience with this? Care to share your experience?
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It was 247
It was 247
Thanks mamazen, I'll be
Thanks mamazen, I'll be honest, the idea of taking Niacin has always scared me a wee bit. It could be that I've read too many horror stories regarding the side effects.
My BP is textbook average pretty consistently. Still, this is good to be aware of, so thanks again.
I think you're correct on the
I think you're correct on the title - I've seen it. If it's still on Netflix, perhaps I should rewatch it for the willpower.
I've also read Eat to Live. I can do this, I know I can, I just need to adjust my hedonist eating ways.
Thanks for the info! I'll
Thanks for the info! I'll definitely add fiber supplements.
Have you tried any of the
Have you tried any of the cholesterol lowering food products? My mum eats the yoghurts and I think that has helped her to some extent. I hope that your changes pay off and this find ways to make them more palatable.
I haven't, BethAnne. I'll
I haven't, BethAnne. I'll look into it. Thanks!
Thanks downsouthinTX! I'm a
Thanks downsouthinTX!
I'm a huge fan of ACV. Even more so since I found someone local who makes a spicy version of it. Tasty enough to drink it straight.
I'll incorporate this into my daily regimen, alternating between Bragg's and the local stuff. It can't hurt.
Chia seeds! My cholesterol
Chia seeds! My cholesterol is fine ( I think it was 180 last I had it checked) but I put chia seeds in everything! They have been proven to lower LDL and raise HDL, they are considered a super food, so I always figure why not?? Eating chia seeds is not going to hurt you and might just help!
Thanks! I have a HUGE
I have a HUGE container of chia seeds that DH reminded of this morning. I made a smoothie this morning and added a good bit to it. I see some homemade coconut chia pudding in my future.
I just bought some chia seeds
I just bought some chia seeds for me and DH. Have yet to use them, though, and they are sitting right on the counter!
I put them in cottage cheese,
I put them in cottage cheese, yogurt, pudding, cookies... pretty much ANYTHING! They do say that you get greater benefit from letting the husks open (so soaking basically) so smoothies are good! When I put them in yogurt, etc. I just mix them up and then let it sit for a few minutes so the husks open. I tried putting them in water and drinking.. but that was gross.
Girl! You are going about this all wrong! That famous Time article from the 80's with bacon and eggs on the cover has now been deemed ass backwards. The newest research is that animal fat does not raise your cholesterol levels. You can eat all the bacon, egg, and cheese and butter you want. In fact that article single handedly causes so many people to die from heart attacks. Everyone put down the butter and started with margarine.
Transfat is what is going to kill you. and Transfat is in everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's in cookies and crackers and salad dressings. It's in pretty much everything in a bottle. I know because my cholesterol level was high in October. I didn't give up bacon, butter, eggs, and cheese or red meat. I started reading labels. We eat nothing that has vegetable oil, canola oil, soybean oil, etc. in it. The only safe oils are sunflower oil, coconut oil, and olive oil. It's in all restaurant food. It's in all fried foods. Its in pretty much everything. So now we eat almonds and fruits and stuff that isn't processed and made from Kraft.
You can go to the store and pick up a box of something that says no GMO's, all organic, no gluten... and you know what??!?!! It's chock full of trans fat!!!!!!!!!! That's what 's killing us. Not red meat!
So much useful info - thank
So much useful info - thank you for the link!
This is true! You'd be
This is true! You'd be better off shopping the outside portion of your grocery store (basically fruits, veggies, meats, dairy) and avoiding the middle sections where all the processed food is. There have also been recent studies that show that sugar is more of an enemy than salt is.
We rarely eat out mostly because like NWCH said, restaurants cook with and use shit food. I am much happier making my own meals, because I know exactly what is in them. It was hard for me at first, because I hate to cook and I don't want to cook every night. So I have been cooking up like 4 pounds of chicken breasts on Sunday and then I have cooked chicken on hand to use for salads, sandwiches, any chicken recipe etc and I also cook a spaghetti squash every Sunday and then I have a huge bowl in the fridge so I can have my "pasta" fix...on one of my no cooking nights, I'll just throw some spaghetti squash on a plate, put some sauce, chicken and mozz on top and voila... yummy, filling and good for you!
This is super motivating and
This is super motivating and helpful, thanks so much.
I'm definitely on-board with bulk cooking one day a week, to help with the rest of the week and making wise meal decisions.
We rarely eat out and when we do, we try to make good choices. But, you're so right, and I need to remind myself of that often - that restaurants are often choosing the most cost effective products and not the healthiest.
DH and I definitely fall for the "healthy" but quick food items at the health food store. We're gradually trying to change that habit in exchange for fresh food.
I feel your pain cause I'm
I feel your pain cause I'm going through this now. I don't eat sugar. Grocery shopping is taking me HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to read every label to find a healthy snack that my kids want like goldfish. All those things have it. Fig newtons? YEP! So I do what she said. Meat, veggies, fruit and I have to do real cooking. The only thing I have found in restaurants that we can eat that doesn't have transfat is pretty much sushi. Good healthy food is also so expensive.
But I tell you this is working for me. I posted on here about my 7 year old getting diagnosed with high blood pressure. I went on this site. I blogged. I got great advice and articles and reciples and I started reading and reading. I lost my $600 Christmas bonus because of high cholesterol. We did a completely 180 and don't buy processed or boxed foods. But the results we are getting is amazing. and pretty much all I eat is meat, bacon, cheese, butter. I'm low carbing it. My cholesterol is great now!!!!! IT was the oils and the transfats! I'm not going to lie. It's HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It' very hard. but it's worth it. and I'm so poor cause eating this way isn't cheap. I can't buy the $2 bag of chips for snacks now. I have to buy a bag of almonds that is $6. They really really trick you on labels and advertising too.
I agree! It is frustrating
I agree! It is frustrating because the "good" foods aren't cheap! A dang small container of raspberries was almost $5.00 the other day! But we're at a place where we can afford to spend a little extra on groceries so I'd rather see it go to eating well, than extra chips or candy.
I started doing weight watchers and they encourage you to eat all the fruit and veggies that you want by making them zero point foods. I find it works! So rather than grab a cookie that is 5 points and then risk having to starve myself to stay within my points, I'll eat a banana and some cottage cheese for only 2 points. Way more filling and satisfying.
The first couple of weeks WERE hard, I won't lie, but the fact that I can walk right past the Cadbury Eggs right now and not feel the slightest need to have one???? THAT'S amazing! lol I actually had a memory come up on my FB the other day where I posted "Hi my name is Daizy and I'm addicted to Cadbury Eggs, I think I need an intervention"
I'm on day 45 no sugar!!!!!
I'm on day 45 no sugar!!!!! Sugar to me is so addicting! I do not smoke or drink but sugar has a hold on me.
Did you have any yucky
Did you have any yucky withdrawals?
Headache seems to be the one for me.
Going through this now with
Going through this now with my DH, his cholesterol and blood pressure were both high - now both under control
We cut out the bad fats, cheese, red meat and replaced with salmon and tuna, more veggies and fruit, oatmeal (non instant, the kind you have to cook) more fibre, poultry etc...
Of course then we find out he is absorbing too much iron
so we're watching that too
Oh and YSD tells us last weekend that she has the type of diabetes that sometimes happens during pregnancy so, when she is here this weekend she can't have sugar or carbs - I'm like "come on down, we are diet restriction pros at this point, what's a few more issues
In all seriousness, DH has lost weight, looks and feels great....and since I've been following the same new way of eating, I'm down 20lbs and it really shows
Our food is actually delicious as well as healthy now, it just took work learning to prepare food differently, buy and choose differently. We'll never go back though. We are actually really enjoying food now, and without guilt!
It will get better for you!!
Thanks Disillusioned! Oh
Thanks Disillusioned!
Oh goodness, high BP scares me, I'm glad to hear your DH has it under control.
Thanks for the supportive ideas and advice. With two toddlers I realize I've put my diet on the back burner and I really need to put aside the time to make it a priority again.
I admit, I could use a little weight loss too. I'm roughly 20 lbs overweight. I modified my diet last year to something similar for 6 weeks and lost 11 lbs. So, I know I can do this.
urg ... easy way to get it
urg ... easy way to get it down... teaspoon of turmeric dissolved in a cup of warm water every morning. After a month it should be fine
and remember 12 hours before you get tested, nothing but water, no food no coffee nothing. exercising is not going to help, too much salt can also cause cholesterol to rise
Turmeric is also good for
Turmeric is also good for joint pain/arthritis. My Dad, SM, and sister all swear by it. I recently bought some for my DH in the hope that it will help with his arthritis.