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Just grin and bear it??

mommy_of_4's picture

My MIL and I got into an argument one night over the phone..via text to be exact. So the next day I get a text from SD17 who now lives on her own. She for some reason thinks she has the right to stick her nose in my business. She got pregnant at 16 and moved in with her bf so they could play house. And ever since she got pregant she thinks shes all big and bad. I was livid that she felt she had some right to stick her nose in my business. So a few days after she texted me she came by the house. I was very short and snippy with her.
So her dad and I are having a heated debate a couple of days later and he told me that his daughter will come by the house to visit with the baby and if I continue to treat her that way, he will divorce me. Sadly after I sat and explained to him for an hour why I was so pissed off at her I thought he understood. But yet apparently he heard nothing I said and claims that the reason I am so pissed off at her is because his mother decided to have her baby shower instead of me. Like I really care about some dam baby shower. But ain't no snotty spoiled little 17 year old bitch is going to think she has some right to put her nose in my business. And it pisses me off that he soesn't know where to draw the line and stop telling her our business. It has no affect on her what so ever so stop f***ing telling her everything!!


mommy_of_4's picture

About a year ago, after SD17 (then 16) and I had gotten into an argument, she was sitting at the table because she was grounded and when daddy came home she started pouring it on. She told him that if he didn't send me back home (I am from canada) then she was going to have herself legally immansipated. Lucky for me DH told her that if thats what she needed to do then she should do it. LOL...instead she went and got herself knocked up. A friend of hers had a baby at 16 and told her that once you have a baby you are automatically immancipated from your parents. She doesn't realize what a favour she did us because once she has the baby we are no longer responsible for her. She got pregant and found a way out. She moved out with her bf in november. In our state you can't legally move out on your own til 17. Now I sit and wait for SD13 to get knocked up in a few years cause she sees getting pregnant as her way out cause she doesn't want to stay here until shes 17. The worst part about all this is the fact that these babies suffer. Her bf and her were only together 9 months before she got knocked up and they had already broke up 5 times because shes a bitch, treats him like a dog and thinks she is the most important thing on earth. She thinks now that she is pregnant, she will keep him I can say is RUDE AWAKENING!!

mommy_of_4's picture

I have to tread lightly now because I am certain that if she gets pissed off at me, she will give DH the ultimatum that its me or the baby. If he doesn't get rid of me then he won't see the baby. And I am afraid that i won't be so lucky the next time. I just can't wait til that bitch finally gets hers.