Loving Today
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- MIL out of town for 1 week, YAY
Anyhow, DH and I are really getting along well lately too. Ever since he told BM to piss off and stop calling him, seems like we've reconnected in a big way. I hope it lasts... I know it will be great the next week since its just us and his dad at home. cross your fingers for me. I think I might even go home for "lunch" today.
- Monica's blog
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I've never seen a house or a kitchen that is big enough for 2 women. When you stay with other people you've got to put up with a lot of crap. Hopefully, you'll be able to get your own place soon.
*delted by user* "It's
*delted by user*
"It's always darkest before it turns absolutely pitch black."
- Paul Newman
Mine are crazy. I stayed with my folks, but believe me I moved into my own place ASAP... I must have been in the house about 5 or 6 weeks. Couldn't wait to get out of there. The problem I have with my folks is that if I rely on them they get this attitude of entitlement. BIG BIG BIG problem. This is why I'd rather go without than rely on them too much for ANYTHING.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
that's why I dont stay with my own father. He has more than the means to take care of me and everyone else in the family, but feels that he shouldn't have to, because he took care of himself without any help. If he does provide any kind of assistance, he writes it in stone and whacks you in the back of the head with that stone at any given moment.
With DH's parents it's a little different. His father is wonderful, his view is that he didn't get any help growing up, and making his family well, so now that he has just a little, he will do whatever he can.
His mother however, has a huge sense of entitlement. She constantly makes comments and digs at us, from the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes to bed. She doesnt work, doesnt cook, doesnt clean, doesnt do anything at all for herself. We serve her meals in bed, get her drinks, pick up her meds from the pharmacy, do her laundry, keep the house clean, and anything else she asks for at any given moment. It drives my Fiance crazy (i call him DH already, easier that way) because theres nothing he can do about any of it. The fight last night made him so upset, all he could do was turn off the light and go to bed.
Technically we do live there free, but what determines free exactly. We pay for groceries, at least 300 a month worth, we clean, and buy all our own odds and ends. We don't however pay rent or utilites. His dad even got us cells on his family plan so we wouldnt have an extra bill.
The problem is that I do really love these 2. I feel very close to the dad since mine does so little for me my whole life, and now does so little for his grand daughters. The mom, I feel close to her because, well I'm not sure. She's not a bad person, it's just the way she is. She does love me too I know that, but the snide comments and hurtful remarks pop out of her mouth before she even realizes it sometimes I think. Or maybe that's just what I choose to believe so it's easier to deal with. Either way, when your cards are dealt theres not much more you can do ... fold or play it out and see what happens. Folding is not an option.
Ride it out & good luck!
Sometimes it's just easier to love someone when you don't live with them. I get along well with my folks now, especially since I don't live there. (I miss the dogs, though... lol.) One of my mother's oldest friends is like your future MIL. To me, she's like an aunt, but let me tell you, I could NOT live with her.
No advice except just ride it out until you guys can get out of there. You have my sympathy though...
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
I was at my inlaws place for
I was at my inlaws place for like a week and a half when we were moving cross country, our place wouldnt be ready so we stayed with them, talk about hell and something ALWAYS going on if it wasnt his mother having a mother loving cow over everything that had to do with the ex and all her bullshit when we were there and telling me to stay out of everything.. ummm excuse me but the money that we make together pays for the effing lawyer I have as much say and entitlement as my husband.. these people are on the brink of retirement, all kids are grown and out of the house, my SIL always had her freakin kids over and never gave my MIL, and us a damn moments worth of peace I swear!! She just moved into a new house and she was living at my MIL's while it was being built.. you would think that she would avoid that place like the plauge for a while.. NOPE! I literaly wanted to pull my own freaking hair out.
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine
are you me in a parallel universe? I have to hear shit like "well, she's a part of the family because of (SD). You're not family yet"
Oh really now? Because last I checked all the payments were coming out of our JOINT checking account. And who's taking care of SD while she's here hmmm? Would that be me? Oh, alrighty then. Mmmhmm. Thanks.
I also get wonderful crap like his extended family not wanting me at family functions, and wondering why BM isnt coming with SD. ARE YOU SERIOUS????? wow, just typing that out made me want to run screaming maniacally into the middle of the busy street outside my office door. Yikes.
Or when I hear her loud heffer ass talking to him on the phone and she says "how's grandma?" and whatever else she can think of to irritate me. Gives me visions of lighting the cell phone on fire and mailing it to her. Call him now you beast.
Ok, that was hostile, I'm done for the day.
LOL you call the ex a beast
LOL you call the ex a beast too? So do I! LMAO! Thats just too much! I had to hear a lot of "Well you arent involved" crap a lot too because at one time we werent married yet. But I was involved but not on my own terms you see, the ex hacked into the cell phone account that he had after she left him ( she called up the carrier and used his SS and his mothers maiden last name to do this.. just sickening) anyways, she hacked into it and was texting me things from the online account, I guess you can send texts from the computer. She would call me nasty names and make comments but it was coming from his cell phone number because it was from his account online. Nice huh? The thing that made me laugh the hardest was the screen on this cell phone got broken and you couldnt see a damn thing. We are coming back from the movies and my phone says" you have a new message" hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so I look at it and I say "OH LOOK BABE! A TEXT FROM YOU!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT? LOL" I open it up and she calls me a C*NT. how nice right... thats not really where all the harassment began either.. but the thing was his family saw no point in me having a say so in anything, even when that was going on. I told them that I was going to put a restraining order on her and they were all " oh no dont do that it will make things worse" Im like.. this bitch is trying to make my life hell and harass me!!" Thats def. from the vault of WTF! LOL
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine
LOL too good
I love the vault.... every now and then you pull out an old WTF and think..."wtf?" lmao.
oh wow. ha! my DH's ex knows
oh wow. ha! my DH's ex knows better than to try and have contact with my MIL. LOL last year she had the balls to go up to the front door of their house with my SD and deliver christmas pictures.. I think she might have thought that I was visiting them.. hahaha :evil: but anyways my MIL wasnt home but my SIL was of course... so she lets her in and all this crap and she was nice and civil even though I know that she wanted to ring her neck. My MIL finds out and started freakin the heck out at my SIL telling her " you let her in my house??!! what the hell is wrong with you?!" LOL yeah if my MIL had been there I guarrentee you that things wouldnt have gone all that great. But yeah I hear you on wanting to lube up the cell phone and sticking it where the sun dont shine.. because of all the outrageous text messages and oh did I mention the naked pictures that she sent him? I wonder if we could nail her for sexual harassment for that little stunt. Those were def. not asked for at all. I know that for a fact, I actually threw up in my mouth after seeing them... I will never be the same again.. LOL
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg. If ... I ... ever... saw... that...woman... naked.. on my mans.... freaking.... phone.....all I can say is I hope theres internet access in prison because none of you would ever hear from me again. Holy hell that pissed me off and its not even my DH! LOL
Girl, more power to you for not flipping your lid upside down and backwards. There would be alot of freshly dug holes in my yard if I were you. I'm sitting here mouth open and mumbling after reading that one. Put it in the vault sister.
oh yeah!! that one is going
oh yeah!! that one is going straight to the vault! LOL If I'd lived closer.. believe me... there would have been hell breaking loose. My DH had told her to stop sending text messages like that. She continued to do so, so I told her that if she kept her shit up that I was gonna block all pictures and text from his phone and go ahead and try me if she thought I was playing and sure enough she did that. Now tell me that she isnt throwing herself at him and doesnt want him anymore... PLEASE. she has serious problems. and I will take those to court and I will embarrass the HOLY HELL out of her in front of her family and the judge. :evil: I was so mad though.. I told my husband that I couldnt take it anymore that I was leaving.. he had a cow and told her that if she ever did that again that he was just gonna have to stop all contact with her and never talk to her again and just talk to his daughter and have nothing to do with her. But trust me.. it took me a long time for me to be able to laugh about it, dont get me wrong it still infuriates the hell out of me and what I wouldnt want more than to give her a knuckle sandwich.. I still have yet to meet her or see her ass face to face and Iv seen pictures and thats enough.. I dont need her medusa ass turning me to stone! LOL
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine