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mouse81's picture

I am a first time step mother to an 8 year old boy, I have been for a bit over 12 months. I have no children of my own. Things started well, I liked my step son initially, he seemed well mannered and well behaved. Over time, I have started to notice things about him that I dislike, charactertistics that I despise. I find him to be dishonest, sly and ungenuine. I guess it all started when he accused my 13 year old dog, that wouldn't hurt a fly of biting him, obviously my dog didn't do such a thing, there wasn't a mark on him and when his father confronted him he admitted to lying about it, he ignores me on purpose when we pick him up, he got sent home from school for fighting, the other day we got a new fish tank, he asked what we were going to do with the old one, I said I was going to turn it into a terrarium he said" we should catch rats and put them in there" I said "I don't think it'd be big enough" he said " we can put them in there and set them on fire" me shocked said " why would you want to do that" he said " because they're mean to which I replied, they don't want to put you in and tank and set you on fire, so who's the mean one? I am finding it extremley hard to move past this, I will not stand for cruelty to animals, ever, and it worries me that he even thinks like this. What worries me the most is, that if this is at all possible for an 8 year old, is that he appears to be caring, but then says stuff like this, like he is putting on a masquerade. I am also friends with my partners ex, she told me he once locked her 3 year old in the bathroom and held the door closed, and once described a stinky bin as smelling like a dead body.  Since this, it is a struggle for me to speak to him, I have to turn my music up so I can't hear him, I know how awful this sounds, and I am hoping I will get past it, I feel awful, but if anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Please don't tell me how awful I am, I know my thoughts are terrible. And if anyone can please give their opinion on the things he says, like if it's normal or if my concerns are justified, that'd be great! I'm really new to this parenting thing!!!



SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

You have a murderous little psychopath on your hands. Run before he sets your dog on fire.

SteppedOut's picture

Hell no it isn't! Total budding serial killer. I wish I was joking, but seriously. And the "fake" caring on top of it. 

Is he ever around anyone that he could be learnung such behaviors and thoughts? IDK, seems like some are just born "off".

mouse81's picture

No not really, his Mum is really lovely, although she tends to baby him a lot!! Oh gosh!



Survivingstephell's picture

I'd be spending a lot of time researching childhood sociopathic behaviors.  They won't officially diagnose at young age but there are signs out there.  He is not acting normal, listen to your gut.  Fire and hurting animals is a major red flag in children who grow up to be sociopaths.  

ndc's picture

This doesn't sound normal to me at all. Are you already married to his father?  Have his father and mother noticed this behavior? Do they brush it off and ignore it, or are they concerned as well?

mouse81's picture

I've spoken to his father about it, initally he brushed it off as a "brain fart" but I have since told him, that's not acceptable. I think it's something we need to keep a close eye on. His mother, no, I think being his mother she see's him as doing no wrong. We are not married, we live together and I love him very much, marriage is on the cards, but obviously this is a big road block. 

Harry's picture

Professional help.  Or you are going to have one wild ride with him.