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Frustrated - nothing I can do to help

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Apparently SD15 has been behaving herself, as I'm getting emails. She gets internet access taken away when she's grounded, and that's the only way I have to communicate with her. We have a pretty good relationship, although that might just be because she NEVER sees me.

This morning, I got one from her that doesn't sound too good. I get all of the drama re: SD and BM third-hand. SD15 tells DH, who tells me. And of course it's only SD15's side of the story. So... drama means BM is stressed and taking it out on the whole household, SD15 is having issues with how her stepdad treats her, especially as far as discipline goes.

So the email I got today, she sounded very low. She said "I hate my life." although the impression I got was that she was talking about school and not BM/SF. She said they (SD15/BM/SF) were closer to seeing eye to eye, which says it's been a stormy household for a while.

I just want to help, and at this point (or ever, right?) there's not much, hell, not anything I can do.

I'm a fixer, like guys are. I want to fix her problems, but I know she has to do it herself. All I can do is be supportive, but it's hard when we don't even have phone contact. I just called DH (at 0630 his time) to let him know what's up - she hasn't been telling him much of anything.

Gah teenage drama!