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O.T: When babies attack

newbiestepmom25's picture

My 7month old. Wow I can't believe he is 7months already. Anyways my 7 month old has started doing this attack thing. If you hold him and tell him no he will start grunting squealing and biting you well ore like gumming you with his two wittle teeth lol. But I was holding baby and he started head butting my breast and I said "no no" and he attacked me. DH was holding him and he kept throwing his bottle and DH said no and he attacked DH. He just attacks SS5 and SS10 for no reason when we put him on their laps he is quite and playful and then bam he is on the attack. And after he attacks you he giggles.

I know he is being naughty but it is so cute. What does this mean.What does it mean? Did your babies ever do this? I don't think he is meaning to be bad I think he is just playing or letting out his aggression. what can I do?


Starla's picture

Stop teaching him its cute. Even the smallest of a smile can give the wrong message. My ex SIL was great at doing that when she was a young mother herself. It got to a point that my nephew at a couple years of age was chasing Mexican kids out of his yard saying "I'm going to kick your ass" as he was chasing them with a bat. Parents don't realize that the smile to the aggressive behavior doesn't set limits for the child to follow.

newbiestepmom25's picture

Oh wow guys thanks. I honestly didn't think it was that serious but I will definetly put him in the play pen and stop responding when he does that. I need to stop cuddeling him so much. His cry just breaks my heart but u guys are right.

Kendall's picture

I have a BS12 and a BS9months (it took that long until I was ready to marry again!). One of my aunts has a saying, "Babies know much more than you think they know." I have found that out to be very true. I was like you with my first son. I hated to see him cry. My mom said to me, "If you don't start disciplining him now, he'll have you crying later." She was right. The little cute antics and attacks at 6 months turned into Mr. Potato Head being dropped on me while napping, expensive eyeglasses found (a year after being told he hadn't seen them) under a floor vent bent in half along with a plastic spoon and a Mickey Mouse. Trust me, if you don't start now, what is very cute as an infant turns very ugly by age 2. I started late on the discipline with BS, but things are much better now. What helps me with him is that he accepts nothing less than straight A's from himself and he knows negative behavior will reflect on his grades.

This time around with BS9 months I Am coming straight out of the gate. Two months ago he tried attacking me out of the blue. He went from smiling to hitting me in my face. I tapped his little hand and said, "Do not hit people in the face, that is not nice." We'll, he gave me his cute little 2-teeth smile and did it again. I kept a stern face and guess what he did? He got angry. He got a mean look on his face, did it again and was definitely not playing. I put him in his walker for a while. He cried but he knew why he was in there. Just a couple of days ago he tried to grab my glasses and scratch me above my mouth, I reprimanded him and when he did it again I put him in his play pen. He cried for a fe minutes and then he just sat in there and played with his toys. Once again, he knew why he was in there.

Children test us as parents from infancy into the teens. They try to test the limits and we as parents have to let them know we are in control. When you look at his little face crying because you have disciplined him, just think about it will make him a better person and save you many headaches in the long run!

oneoffour's picture

I know it is cute and suppressing a smile or a cuddle is so VERY hard. But imagine him at 4 yrs old and doing the same thing. Not so cute is it?

So plonk him in his playpen and walk away. Actually I would say sternly "No! Do not bite!" and plonk him in the playpen etc.

I just see celebrities kids who still have binkies/pacifiers at 4 or 5. How cute is that? NOT!

And seriously, he will learn what makes mummy and daddy smile and laugh and get the good vibes very fast.

newbiestepmom25's picture

I feel so bad I just put him in the playpen. I hate his cry I feel like a bad mommy even though I know its best. My chest hurts. I felt like the worst person ever leaving him in his playpen to cry.

newbiestepmom25's picture

Thanks fightincrazytrain. You're right and we went through enough of that tantrum stuff with SS5 and are still having to deal I don't want that all over again. Thanks I need to beat my chest and woman up lol.

observer's picture

Do you guys watch the Walking Dead on TV? Maybe your baby thinks he's a zombie! He sounds very creative and animated. Smile Too funny. Maybe he'll grow up and become a comedian.

newbiestepmom25's picture

MrsNinja do you work with children or something? Just from the way your advise sounded. Thanks. He is sound asleep now like a little chubby angel. I really like this advice thanks.

newbiestepmom25's picture

Wow that makes a lot of sense. I am saving this response to my emai Smile