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potty training tips please

newbiestepmom25's picture

Hi i'm sure some of you remember me. I just wanted to stop through and share a funny story with you. My DS is one year old now. I've been trying to potty train him. I was having a co worker over for lunch and I thought DS was still napping. I hear his little feet shuffling towards me. I turn around and my little monkey is standing there stark naked holding out his diaper with poopy smeared all over his hands and tummy. " I poopy mama". Oh goodness. I check the bathroom and he had finger painted with his poop every where. Atleast he made it to the bathroom lmao. My co worker has three boys so she wasn't fazed just laughing her butt off. Later on DS took off his daiper and peed on the kitchen floor. He just stood there watching it flow. I picked him up and took him to the potty to remind him where his pee pee goes in.

Potty training tips please.


newbiestepmom25's picture

No actually he is only 15 months but he is great at communicating. He can even say eat and sleep in ASL. I thought it was a good thing to start potty training early. I love my little monkey.

Smellissa's picture

Once, my oldest sister ran out of diapers. She wasn't able to get to the store to get new ones, so she tossed a pair of underoos on my niece. Poof! The kids was potty trained. (Seriously! She never wore a diaper again, and never had a day-time accident!)

DaizyDuke's picture

I started trying to potty train BS4 at around 2. He showed a little bit of interest for about a day, and then couldn't be bothered. I tried again a couple of months later, same thing. At around 3, I started getting serious.. potty sticker chart, potty prizes, potty apps on his Ipod etc. NOTHING worked. Same thing, he'd show interest for a couple of days max, then couldn't be bothered. Everything I read said to NOT force it that when they are ready they will tell you. So as much as I felt like a failure, I didn't force it. DH and I would mention it often, but NEVER forced him or made him feel bad for not doing it. Guess what? At about 3.7 months, BS and I were sitting on the couch and HE said "Mom, I have to go potty" I told him that was great, and we went into the bathroom and DH and I praised him and the rest is history. I swear the kid went from 0-60 in a day. Never even used his little potty, always the big potty, awesome about wiping, NEVER makes a mess AND no pull ups at night.

there is no magic age, I firmly believe that if they are ready they will let you know.

zerostepdrama's picture

I agree with this.

IMO I would rather have a kid that is fully potty trained, when they are ready then a kid that is partially potty trained for like a year before they are fully potty trained. To me that seems like a situation that you can't control and would cause even more stress.

fakemommy's picture

Sounds like he is ready and is getting to the beginning stages. Don't get frustrated, maybe start using the really padded underwear to help. Kids potty train at different ages and there isn't a "too young". When they are ready, they are ready. Just be consistent, a sticker chart worked for us. These are funny stories and I think the second is part of the joys of boys.

zerostepdrama's picture

I know boys potty train later then girls. My niece was potty trained when she was 16 months.

My BS was potty trained 3 months after he turned 3. I thought that 3 was the normal age for boys??? However, once my son was potty trained, he was FULLY potty trained. We had maybe 1 accident. I just told him one weekend, you are wearing undies and getting putty trained and that is that.

It was nice that he was fully potty trained and I didnt have to worry about him at night time or worry about accidents.

No advice. I would think 1 is a little young, but if he is doing it, then well you can't agrue with that.

z3girl's picture

Lucky. My boys are almost 2 and 3 and not potty trained yet. The almost 3 year just doesn't want to use the potty. He has a couple times, but he'd rather wear a diaper. Neither boy has ever pulled their diapers off. My almost 2 year runs to the bathroom if I ever mention the word toilet, and I'll put him on it and he'll sit there, but as soon as I stand him up on the floor, that's when he decides to pee and poop on the floor. He's just not ready yet apparently.

When my oldest turned 2, I tried potty training in the summer outside without a diaper and the potty on the deck. He made it clear he wasn't ready because he always peed and pooped next to the potty on the ground. It was maddening.

I read them potty books, but I don't stress over it. I've never heard of a kid not being potty trained by the time they go to school. I hope.

justbdais's picture

I tried off and on when my DS was about 18 months. Tried letting him use the potty when he woke up in the morning because I knew he would need to go (would wake up every morning with a dry diaper), but he hated his potty chair so we would quit and try again a few months later. When he was almost 3 we picked up a seat that just sits on the big toilet and he seemed to like that better so we tried again, he was not digging it but this time I bribed him. It was just after christmas and he had gotten I swear 20 different Pez candies which he wanted to eat all the time. So I told him that if he went pee I would fill the Pez container up once every time, and if he pooped he got two. Lo and behold it worked! I honestly was not expected it to happen but after one month he was in underwear, and did not have an accident in for 6 months! Now he is fully potty trained and will only have an accident at night if he does not use the potty before bed (he drinks A LOT of water)! Good Luck!