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newmom01's picture


Hey lady were you been! I guess things have not worked out for sorry...So your husband really chose his daughter over you? Well I guess thats a bad choice of words....Your dh did not care that his bd broke something that was important to you....I know that there were a lot of things that happened but that looks like it was the final are youguys getting divorced or just seperated


Asher10's picture

It was more that I chose living my life for me rather than living my life for him and his child.I realized it wasn't about SD messing up my was about so many more injustices I had been suffering through the years at the hands of sd,mil,and bm.Dh only stood up against them a handful of times it simply wasn't enough to make the marriage work.I had to decide if I wanted to spend my life struggling to have peace and happiness with this marriage or if I wanted to end it and make my own peace and happiness.A woman only has herself to trust with her happiness.I decided to trust myself again and take a chance by starting divorce paperwork.
I'm glad I made the choice to trust myself with my own life because I look younger than I have in years,my work is better,and I sleep at night again after years of insomnia.I miss the man more than I've ever missed anything or anyone but I made the right choice.

alwaysanxious's picture

I'm happy to hear it too. I am sure you miss him terribly. I wish that away for you very soon!!!