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BM's and child support

Newstep's picture

Some backstory first.

SO has a private agreement to pay CS to BM. He went to the office manager at his job and told her the amount to take out and asked her to do it so he would have records of payment. She had no problem doing that they have deducted the amount and paid her directly for 2 years. She pitched a hissy fit because last pay period the office manager forgot to mail out her check. She got it one day later than usual and called the office manager claiming her check was late and being a real bitch about it. The manager told her we have no paperwork only the employees word to withhold the amount and pay you so he has record. She blew up on the office manager and faxed over the order. She has a proof of service that someone served SO with the order but it was never served or mailed to the place of employment.

So the funny part is that for 2 years she has been getting her check early!! She has been getting it either the day of the paydate or 1 day after. The order she faxed reads "send payment within 10 working days of the paydate" so depending on the paydate it could be 2 weeks after paydate before her check it actually late. Guess who is going to have to wait 10 working days to get her check now }:) }:) }:)


herewegoagain's picture

That's right! lol IDIOT CRAZY witch played this game...then bitched because she had to wait SO LONG after DH got paid...we laughed. When CS stopped taking the money from DHs check in error, WE LAUGHED...told her to take a hike.

Anon2009's picture

If she's not working to do her part to provide for the kids, I can't feel sorry for her.

It might be time for SO to get a new, public cs order...doesn't sound like the current one is working. That way the manager can tell her that they've got a copy of the cs order, that's what they go by, and she needs to look at and read her copy }:)

A cs agreement done legally will have more standing in the eyes of a judge and can be much more helpful to SO.