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Report Card time!!

Newstep's picture

I blogged last week about SD missing school due to being "sick" she was out Wed-Fri too sick to go to school. But alas not too sick to warrant a doctor visit. As per BM "since when do we take our kids to the doctor?? She gots the flue like everyone else I am not wasting time taking her to the dr" that is verbatim. I guess SD is part chimney now LOL

Reason I am yet again irritated is two-fold. We got SD's report card 2.58 GPA and write ups for not paying attention and excessive talking in class. But she was out all weekend with her older sister. SD22 asked us to babysit so she and her BF could go to the movies. Guess who showed up to drop off grandson, SD22 and SD13. They were talking about staying up late on Friday watching movies then hanging out on Saturday then Sunday they were going to the movies. SD had been with SD22 since Friday morning after BM let her stay home from school. Too sick for school but the weekend comes along and she is all better :? :?

SD is going to be hating life she is no longer allowed the privilege of a cell phone or TV access. She is grounded to her room until we get home from work and homework better be done. Plus she is not getting her phone back until her grades improve consistently. So her phone is gone for quite some time. Maybe that will sink in her head!!!


Newstep's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: .5!!! How is that possible???

RedWingsFan's picture

Funny, I just read your other post and suggested that her phone/tv/radio and everything remain off until homework is done and checked over.

Great minds think alike eh?

Newstep's picture

SO has been home with SD for 3 hours now. I just got home. He was supposed to lay down the law and grounding due to her grades. He hasn't done a thing!! Hasn't checked if her homework was done hasn't taken her phone nothing!! Instead he has decided that the sink in the bathroom is plugged up and is taking that apart LMAO!!!

It is so pathetic it's funny!! I mean I don't expect him to scream and yell and rip the phone from her hands but just to do nothing???? I'm just floored that he is so spineless. Oh and she is just hanging out texting and watching TV like nothing. Oh and every few minutes she goes over to the bathroom where he is working to tell him all the things she wants for her birthday thats coming up. I can hear because I'm in my bedroom. It's pathetic !!!