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Ugggg Christmas drama. Not gonna let it get me down

Newstep's picture

It's not as bad as it could be I guess. But I am meticulous about our holidays. We have about 7 places we have to be the week before Christmas ending with spending Christmas Day at home with my kids and family. So I plan it all out way in advance. Christmas Eve is spent with SO's kids and grandkids always early afternoon because they go to BMs after our house.

She never plans anything like a meal she just wants them at her house to open the grandkids gifts. No food or desert or anything. Which is why we started doing a bigger meal with them so they gave a nice meal on Christmas Eve.

Every year she blows up their phones from the moment they get here asking when they will be at her house. Every year it's the same thing the minute they get here all phones are blowing up until they silence them. It's really annoying but whatever.

This year she texts SO and wants to know how it's going to work with both of our gatherings starting st 1 pm. She never does hers at 1 pm ever!!!! I dint know what her problem is. And she's bitching because she's making dinner and if they eat at our house how can they eat at her house at the same time. Uggggggg Christmas is stressful if I don't plan everything out so I do and now she's trying to mess with it.

SO doesn't even care he said were doing our thing like we always do. The kids know when to be here and that's it. If their mom wants drama she's not getting it from me. Which I agree but it still bugs me. He just responded with we're doing our thing the same time as always and turned off his phone. After an hour he turned it on to a bunch of messages which he laughed at and deleted without even reading all of them. Which actually made me laugh.

I'm trying to let it go but I don't want to cook a big meal if they aren't coming. We can't hold off too long because we have another family party to go to later that afternoon into evening. Which was planned later to accommodate us and another family member. Everything else has been so nice and festive and lovely so far this Christmas season. I'm just venting to get it off my chest.


Newstep's picture

Yeah I am going to plan on cooking and doing everything like normal. SO is very confident that they will come because even they get tired of their moms BS. Plus we have presents lol.

One other thing that really grinds me is that she will have her and SO's 2 DD's all day on Christmas Day. Which is why we do our thing on Christmas Eve. Her DD which is SO's SD that he pretty much raised comes on Eve because she goes to her husbands family and her bio dad on Christmas Day.

So what ever revved up her crazy train this year is so annoying. Blum 3 Blum 3 Blum 3

She hasn't sent anymore texts LOL She hates to be ignored }:)