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Just a long rambling to try and clear my head so that I can do my paperwork.

newstepmom2008's picture

Yesterday, when I got out of my meeting I found that CPS had tried to contact me. For some reason, they switched the case worker/social worker. This man did not have any of the information that I had given the first women. He didn't even have my husband's number. I thought this was a bit strange, but I've seen similar things happen in my company. So I gave him my husband's number and encouraged him to contact him to gather even more historical information regarding BM's past drug and alcohol abuse. He asked me if I knew where the BM was staying. I told him that she had told us that she had turned back on the electricity and that she and the kids were back in the house.

The case manager seemed perplexed and told me that he had gone to the house at 8 p.m. on Wednesday night. He said that there were no lights on and that there were no cars in the driveway. I didn't think much about this until he told me that he went back that morning and the note he left in the door had not been moved, so he had no reason to believe that she was living at the home. He asked me if I knew of anyone who might know her whereabouts. I gave him her work address and phone number. I also gave him her mother's phone number.

Then I did something that may not have been a good move, but after hearing that she lied about being back in the house I got that same sickening feeling in my stomach. So I said to this man, "I don't know if you have children, but even if you don't try to picture someone else in your family who you love very much. My husband and I don't know where our children are at; we can't sleep at night, we are worried beyond belief, and neither of us have gone to sleep without crying for almost a week. She has a history of drug abuse, the oldest one swears she's using again, and the last known place that she stayed was the home of a meth addict, IV drug use, who also has Hepatitis C. I know that you must have a stack of cases of children in similar situations or maybe even worse situations; I'm a social worker too, and there aren't enough hours in the day to truly do everything needed in my job either. If we could go door to door looking for them we would, but you and I both know that even if we found them, the laws wouldn't let us take them home with us. I understand that these children aren't mine biologically, but my husband and I are scared, we are begging you to help us, and to help us protect our babies."

The CPS worker was quiet for a while, and then thanked me for the information and for doing so much footwork for him. He then said he would call if he had any other questions, but he was going to try and find her at work.

I immediately called my husband and told him what happened. He was just sick that she lied about being back in the house. I was amazed that he actually believed her!!! But I didn't say anything, I mean what good would it be to show my shock that he would put faith in anything his ex-wife would say.

Then he called me later that day and told me that his job was making him travel to a different state today and that he may not be able to go and get the kids. I told him that it wasn't an option and that I would go. He was worried what the BM would do to me, say to me, or accuse me of if he wasn't there. He even wondered if she could keep the kids from going home with me. So, I made arrangements with a friend of mine to ride with me to pick up the kids. I'm also going to bring a digital tape recorder with me, just in case. I also need to find out what our laws are regarding the trade off of children from BM to SM. If she has to give them to me and refuses, I will call the police, but if it isn't illegal, I don't know what to do. Of course, BF is going to try and get home in time.


BabygotBack1988's picture

this sucks i could not be doing with this crap i would hunt the bitch down drag her to the house and lock her in so you knew where she was and if im right i think you H has to know at all times where the kids are so press charges 2

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

sparky's picture

I wish that I had better news, but she does not have to even talk to you much less hand her kds over to you. I know that you love the kds, but in a court of law us SMs are nothing. We do not have any power what so ever. The police have a hands off appraoch to domestic and they hate to get involved so they would not touch this because you are not a biological parent. They would get involved if she assaulted you, but I hope that is not going to happen. I would not be giving her the money to get the utilities turned on. I would take the money to the utility company and see that the bill was paid versus her spending the money on drugs. I am sorry that you are going through this

MamaTracy's picture

but in our custody papers it states that the NCP has the right to send a responsible adult to pick up the children in their place. Check your papers and see if that is in yours. Good luck!!

newstepmom2008's picture

I'm am glad that I am a strong person. I know some of my friends who would have wilted under all of this. But somehow, I wake up each morning and I find I have the strength to go forward. I actually called the police and they confirmed what you said, she can refuse to give them to me. Apparently, we can go back and have it put in the court order that she has to give them to me if that is John's wish – which it is. Of course that can't happen by this weekend.

I have two things going for me. 1) BM really has no desire to have the kids, she just wants the child support. 2) BM doesn't want them on the weekends because she wants to go out and party. So, while she may give me hell, she will probably let me have them. If not, BF will get them on Saturday -- provided we can find her.

Believe me, I would love to drag her to the CPS office and say here, apparently you aren't smart enough to find her even though I did ALL the foot work for you. So here she is, give her a drug test and lock her up.

As sick as this next statement may sound, I honestly wish she would hit me! I've NEVER been in a fight in my life. My family has never experienced this kind of drama. I'm the first person to ever bring step anything into the family. Of course everyone treats the skids as if they were truly mine. They all love my husband etc. etc. but we just don't really know how to deal with this. I don't even think there is anyone in our family that's ever been in a fight. Well, dad is a retired police officer so I'm sure he's been in some weird stuff with his job.

But anyway, if she hit me I could have her arrested and it would just be one more thing to add to the whole she's insane and unstable list. Trust me if getting punched by this loony would mean we could get custody, I'd gladly get knocked out!


Is there anyway that the worker can come interview the kids while they are in your posession? Texas...unless otherwise stipulated in the paperwork, any adult that the non-conservator chooses can pick up the kids. what state do you live in? maybe I can find out faster and let you know what the rule is, so that you can have it ready for the police when they show...if they have to. GOOD LUCK Smile

sparky's picture


ColorMeGone2's picture

Get your husband to write a letter giving you permission to pick up his children and care for them in his absense. Have his signature notarized. That might help.

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥

newstepmom2008's picture

Thank you! You give such fantastic advice!

I love reading all of your responses.