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Feel like a fraud on Mother's Day

Ninji's picture

BM hasn't wanted her kids for Mother's Day EVER!

This year I asked SO if we could have a kid free weekend the weekend of Mother's Day. He asked her and of course she doesn't want them. Mini argument between me and SO ensued but that's another story.

SO usually buys me something and takes me out for breakfast on Mother's Day. I put up with it for the kids. Their own mom doesn't want to share the day with them, I don't want to reject them too.

Today, SO kept asking me what I want to do on Sunday. I don't want to do anything. I feel like a complete fraud on Mother's Day. I'm not a Mom. SO said that all Shitty has done for these kids is push them out, you've been their mom. I completely agree with this, but I still feel weird on Mother's Day. Anywhere we go Sunday, polite strangers will be wishing me Happy Mother's Day when they see the four of us together. I know they are strangers and just being nice but it makes me feel like a liar.

AHHHHHHHHHH, Three weeks without a drink. I might not be able to resist this weekend.


Ninji's picture

I do it for the kids, but I think SO thinks he is doing it for me. In his mind he is showing me that I'm appreciated and all the "Mom" stuff I do for his kids is appreciated. He's just trying to be nice, but I'm over it.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

tell him you want to go get a mani/pedi or have a spa day, alone. That is what some decent mothers do on that day. It is a day for mother's to do what they want and not cater to other peoples fee fees! I know a lot of mothers that WANT A DAY OFF!