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Update on SD going to ER

Ninji's picture

SD got 6 stitches and is doing ok, but BF is still a little freaked. Keeps saying she's going to be scarred for life. Wink

I went and spoke with GPs about what happened and they sent the kids mom over to talk to me after she got off work

While she was pleasant, the entire conversation was full of excuses for his behavior.

She started off saying he isn't even allowed to play "The Simpons" XBox game..I'm supposed to know this? and how he has communication problems and blah blah blah.

She then tells me they need 100% supervision when they come over our house. To which I tell her they are not welcome for awhile. Hello, I'm not going to sit and watch a couple of 9-10yr olds the entire time they play.

She didn't once ask if SD was ok or anything about a bill. Lucky for her, BM is a complete loser and gets free medical and dental for the SKids, so no bill.

She even told the kids to apologize and he just looked at the floor and refused. More excuses about his communication problems.

Well, nothing to be done about it now. Just have to put Neosporin on it and hope it doesn't scar.


step off already's picture

Some parents really suck... As we all know or we wouldn't be in this site constantly.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I would not use Neosporine. I have had cancerous growths removed from my face and the doctor said not to use Neosporine as many people are allergic to one of the ingredients and it can cause more problems then it solves. He recommends just using Vaseline to keep it moist. (Although I like the sound of Sue's recommendations)

Both Curad and Mederma make silicone gel strips that reduce the raised scars and the redness. I have seen improvement after using them. You have to wait until the wound has completely closed to start.

If there is redness and scarring - time really does help. I have a scar on my cheek that was bright red - after about 6 months it has changed to a light pink - almost like I'm blushing...