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Ex-BF changes mind. Wants baby.

nkbrown's picture

We have had an interesting weekend here in the crazy casa. SD has been fighting with her ex about the baby.

Here is the interesting and honestly, stupid, facts. SD got pregnant on purpose to trap this boy. Now he says he doesn't want anything to do with her or the baby. He refused to tell his parents because they would kick him out. He tells me and DH he wants to relinquish rights to the kid.

Now he says he was saying that to hurt SD. In fact he wants joint custody or maybe full custody. His plan - move in with his other 17 year old gf who does work. She will finance it all and the three will play family. While he does what?

He teels SD that he can win custody because she didn't take birth control. But then again he thinks he can get her pregnant a second time - while she IS pregnant.

Bf yells, calls her slut, says he will contol everything about his baby. Says his dad will help him. Well BM called his dad. Dad told her and then told boy that he wants nothing to do with the baby. He is on his own.

Now the SD says she realizes what a jerk he is. She says she loves him still but doesn't like the way he treats her or might treat the baby. He has anger problems - in fact ordered to take counseling before. But she still wants to talk to him to work out all the issues.

So this drama will continue probably for the next 18 years.


SoTired1's picture

SD does not love this guy. . . she obviously does not know what love is b/c it's definitely not drama or any type of dysfunction that you've written about. It's your life but as you can observe everyone thinks you should run & run like a bat out of hell. This is not your problem & you shouldn't welcome this type of nonsense into your life. Love yourself enough to be alone with yourself until you can meet someone free & clear of all this dysfunctional baggage.

Something tells me that you'll find some lame excuse to stay in this nonsense of relationship & it's guaranteed you'll grow to regret it (perhaps, sooner than later). Good luck to you.

"Only the wisest and stupidest of man never change."--Confucius