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Clingy Teenagers

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

Hello everyone! I am new here. I've seen several stepmoms talk about the relationship between their husbands and their teenage step daughters. I have 3 step daughters 18,15 and 13, a 11 year old step son and 2 boys of my own. They are 15 and 7. I thought maybe it was just me being jealous of them. They are constantly hanging on him and sitting on his lap. Even his son does this. I don't even want to be around while this goes on. If I snuggle up to my husband his kids find a need to do the same. It makes me very uncomfortable. I tried talking to him about it like many of you have suggested but that didn'tgo so well. He doesn't understand how it looks to other people. He just got mad and said fine I will tell them to keep their distance. I asked him at what age do you think they should stop sitting on your lap since his oldest is 18 now. He just shut down and won't talk about it. In his opinion he thinks that I'm not close to my parents because I don't do the same. I'm very close to my family. I just don't hang all over my dad. I'm 35 years old. I know my dad thinks the world of me and always will. So this leads me to keep my distance from his kids. I mean they have a mother.I don't find the need to be that to them. They started going to counseling and my husband told me that all his kids think that I hate them and that's why they go. I've tried to tell him that I don't hate them. I go to all their school events. I take the girls out to eat and shopping. I'm not mean to them. I'm just not understanding why there has to be all this clinging. I hug my kids but they don't hang all over me.


totalof4's picture

The counseling.... I have come to believe that its just plain easier for skids to blame SM/SF for everything wrong in their lives. They start there, but a good counselor will eventually get to the bottom of it. Also by blaming SM, it immediately puts DAD on the defense (in protective mode) and they think he is automatically on their side. Which sometimes he is.. I sure it works the same way if you turned it to puts MOM ont he defense..

Oh lets not forget... Some BM's also blame SM for everything wrong in their and the kids lives as well.

Not the Evil Stepmom's picture

Oh yes they had no problem with me until we got married. Even when we were living together before we got married things were ok. I thought everything WAS my fualt then I happen to come across this website and I feel pretty normal now. Smile

on the fence's picture

18 year old on the lap. Nope, it's not you! They're marking their turf. I wonder why mine don't just lift a leg on BF!

Just because you grew up differently does not make them right. That argument is just plain faulty logic.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I wonder how this would work. What would happen if you took some pictures when it was happening and showed it to him later so he could see how inappropriate it looks? I mean, I can see how sometimes from the outside looking in something looks a lot different than it does to the person in the situation.

Maybe if he could see it literally from an outside point of veiw, he could see that it just looks disgusting to anyone that has to see it.

StillSearching's picture

I read a lot about the skids being clingy and I was never like that and I was a step kid. It is so unusual to me, my BFs daughter is 17 and will still cuddle with him during a movie. WEIRD. I am starting to wonder if their generation is just screwed up! LOL