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Blocked MIL On My Cell

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Thank you to everyone (Echo, Sally, Goodluck, clevergirl--you guys are the bomb) who responded to my post! It gave me the courage to do what I kind of knew had to be done.

Lol and then it not 12 hours later, it all comes to a head when DH gets a call from MIL. (I need a nickname for her.)

It starts off normal (relatively, for her) with her first sentence demanding he go and weed her garden and do some other garden work for her with a few of our students. Uhh... DH is home this week in preparation for the baby. He told her so. Likewise, does she think our students are... slaves? They're paying customers--sometimes they help around the martial arts school as a bonding exercise but we don't have them weed our gardens!

Anyway so he declined. Now we get to the meat of the call. I guess she tried to call me again and it gave a disconnected message or something.

MIL: Does not2sure not use her phone anymore?
DH: What do you mean?
MIL: She hasn't been picking up or returning my calls.
DH: Didn't we discuss this already? Anything you need from our family, you go through me, anything her parents need from her, they go through her. So you call me directly.
MIL: I know you said that but I can't call her?
DH: You know she never says no even if it's not convenient or good for her and I want to protect her from getting too stressed out especially with the new baby on the way.
MIL: So I can't call her to ask her to put the baby on the phone or drop the baby off?
DH: You call me for that. Not her. You remember that time I told you DON'T ask not2sure to send you to the airport to see BM? And you called her and asked anyway and she said yes? WHO DOES THAT?
MIL: Well I'm glad you said that so now I know.
DH: What do you mean now you know? IT'S COMMON SENSE YOU DON'T ASK YOUR SON'S GF FOR THAT (He's yelling at this point.) You know what, nevermind, there's a hundred things like this that's happened so we'll have to all get together and address them. But from now on, you need ANYTHING, you call me. You use her to relay messages to me like you use my brother and I'm tired of it.

She then hung up on him.

DH looked at his phone and said, "She's out of her gourd."

Yep. We will facing the gorgon this Sunday for BD's birthday party and I think it's going to blow up even more but I'm over this. I will just go, be cordially polite, and watch DH and his mother possibly get into a huge fight at our daughter's 3rd birthday.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

What possibly gave that away? She thinks she's the sweetest, most charming, and loving grandma anyone could have. Wink

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I am too--he's a less... tactful that I am but whatever gets the job done I guess. Can't complain on that.

WalkOnBy's picture

"We will facing the gorgon this Sunday for BD's birthday party"

I think you found her nickname Smile

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

LOL I think I might have as well! Just gotta use it a few more times to see if it really sticks.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

We got a babysitter for this exact same reason! And I'm going to do just that on Sunday, be nice, be polite, have fun, and if DH and her start screaming at each other, zone out and think about that mojito I'm going to have once I'm no longer a walking human incubator. If she approaches me... I might be tempted to just lay everything out in front of BIL and his wife who has already expressed concerns about having kids of their own if MIL is acting like this.

DH says only supervised visits with him maybe once a week because he hates the way his mother sometimes does very PAS-like things--you know, laughing when BD is being a bit contradictory with him, making comments like we're abusing our child by asking her to do (eat vegetables, put on shoes by herself, etc. everything is abuse I guess), making promises by saying BD can have xyz IF her parents would bring her over to see nana.

Is there such a thing as GUGM? Like you popped out a kid so now you are entitled to every kid that kid pops out regardless of your behavior?