Long-Overdue Update
I haven't written anything on here in quite a while. That's not to say that nothing's been happening. Quite the contrary - we've been so busy I've practically neglected my internet life! You know I'm busy when I can't find time to get on the internet!
BM is just as vindictive and irrational as ever. Though now she's switched her game around. Instead of calling and emailing BF constantly, she has supposedly sworn off all communication with him unless he initiates it (yeah right). What happened to cause this? BM called one morning to ask BF why he had their court date pushed back again. He told her that he wouldn't talk about that and that she didn't need to call him unless it was about their son and hung up on her. She called him back and said that she wouldn't call him again after this phone call, and she wouldn't send any messages about their son through his family or me or anyone else, and wouldn't email him or call him to update him on his son even if there was an emergency. She told him that if he didn't like that he could just take her to court, but if he did she would drag him and his little tramp bitch (me) through court too.
Well, guess how long that lasted? BM emailed me shortly after saying this to BF, which pretty much cancelled the whole deal right there. Not even 4 days after she threw this little temper tantrum, calls started showing up on our caller ID from her number. Today she's emailed him 4 times and called here three times. It would be fine if these calls and emails were actually about SS, but they're not. Let's review: informing BF that things he is doing are "illegal", she's meeting with her attorney in a few days to discuss him invading her privacy by recording her phone calls, she thinks he has friends in the police force that conveniently don't serve him with papers, he needs to drop his proposed parenting plan, she wants her money, she wants to talk to him privately where SS can't hear what they're saying and doesn't want him to tell me what is said...I don't see how any of that has to do with SS at all and I think it's funny that SHE is suing HIM for contempt over their restraining order and has to make up lies and claim phone calls happened which never did in order to do so when he could be calling his lawyer daily over her breaking the restraining order.
She is also now claiming that BF is the vindictive one and he spends all of his time trying to ruin her and her son's lives. She says that things are never going to change until he backs off. What does she want him to back off from? He doesn't call her, he doesn't email her, he doesn't harrass her at all though she harrasses him daily...the only thing I can think of that he would back off from is being a part of his son's life. But she openly admits that she'll fight until hell freezes to keep him from getting any additional time with him and doesn't think he deserves the time he has. She tries to bully him into dropping his proposed modifications to the parenting plan by saying that no respectable human being would grant him what he wants considering who he is and what he's done. I think that's funny coming from a woman who has literally stalked me and her ex husband for three years, who is looking into buying a handgun, who openly admits that this is all about the money, who uses her son as a weapon, who keeps him from seeing or speaking to his father, and whom I suspect is giving him things to make him sick in order to have reasons to contact BF and justification for raising hell about the fact that she has only one phone number to use to contact him.
I wish I could post some of the emails that I get from her on here but I'm afraid that she would find them and realize that I am who I am. But seriously, you guys should read some of the stuff that she says. It will no doubt make you want to pull your hair out in frustration. It's not just that she is irrational and vindictive...it's that she has her own little world called BM Land and in it she is the supreme all-powerful always right ruler and imposer of truth and consequence. She makes up fake laws (two so far). She lies, she bluffs and bullies. She makes up these ridiculous stories and then accuses you of doing them when it's something she's made up in her head and has no bearing on the real world at all. And when things don't go her way, all hope of rational and civil conversation go out the window and she starts slinging mud and threatening everything she can (and some things that she can't).
I just don't understand how someone could be so dead-set on ruining their child's relationship with their father, or ruining their ex's life and anyone closely bonded to him. I don't see how she can't realize the damage she is causing to her son and the irreversible damage she is doing to any hope of a civil relationship with either BF or me in the future. It's like she doesn't care about anything other than causing as much trouble and pain to us as she possibly can.
Well, I've got two hungry boys and I've been rambling long enough, so I guess I'll go. I just needed to get this out because it's been far too long and it's only getting worse as far as BM is concerned.
- Nymh's blog
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Wow that sounds really familiar
Wow the BM you and your BF are dealing with sounds exactly like my step kids BM. I know what you are going through. My husband and myself stay home minding our own business and the BM is around the world dreaming up new ways to attempt to destroy us. She decided to stop all contact. She hadn't called for 2 months and she called the kids yesterday. She just recently told my Skids her computer is broken so she couldn't get theirs and our emails. That is a new lie. Seems to me if you live around the world you would use any and all ways you can to communicate with your children. She refuses to talk to my husband at all about the kids. She asks the kids to ask the Dad. My husband will not answer her. He feels if she had an issue then she needs to talk to him directly and not put the kids in the middle. Well we have proof we attempted to communicate whether her computer is down or not. We send several emails about the children, about visitation, etc. She never informed my husband she has no access to emails anymore but their is one problem with her lie. The Invader (her son from another marriage) flat out told my husband that he and his brothers received an email from her to go check on our phone lines and I am a witness to that fact. There is always some new drama she creates for us and I am sick of it. Her phone calls are actually pretty tramatizing to my husband but we still do not keep her from the kids. When she calls she has a very nasty and condescending tone. She said to my husband "May I speak to MY CHILDREN" Emphasis on the MY. We want so bad to say "Who are you? I didn't realize that the kids had a Mom" but we keep our mouths shut. He is always wondering now what is she up to next. I am sorry you and your BF are going through this. I know it is frustrating and in my opinion should not be allowed by the courts. It is not good for the kids. Like your BFs ex my husband's ex tries to make it sound like he is the angry one holding a grudge when in fact he can care less about this woman. He is only angry at her constant meddling and lies to the kids. She actually told the children that their Dad shot her in the shoulder!!!!! Then quickly said I am kidding. Not cool and it is a bold face lie. This kinds of things should not be allowed.
That is so funny "BM land"
I think my BM also lives there! I can see it now a bunch of miserable old hags spending every waking minute of their miserable lives thinking up ways to sabotage us. :sick:
Oh... I thought...
They came from BM-R-Us... nope, that's right... no, instead there is a school that is dedicated for training nasty BMs... right next to the StepMom-R-Us store.
Nymh, I wish you well. Make sure you take some time for yourself every now and then, and have a bottle of wine with a hot bubble bath from time to time... maybe not the whole bottle... Oh, hell... drink the whole bottle! LOL
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...