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SS is "sick" again

Nymh's picture

This is the third week that school has been in session, and SS has now missed more days than he has gone. He hasn't been in school all week due to a "severe upper respiratory and viral infection". BM sent BF some emails last night requesting to switch weekends because of this. BF can't talk to SS directly because BM has no he was stuck relying on what BM said SS wanted to do which is exactly how BM wants it. BF was nice and said that they could switch weekends if that's what SS wanted. When he told me about it, he said that she was concerned that if SS got around me, I could catch whatever it is he has and go into preterm labor. I told him that first, upper respiratory infections aren't hugely contagious and I'm not going to go into preterm labor if I catch a cold. Secondly, you're his parent when he's healthy AND when he's sick. She always tries to pull this "he's sick and needs to stay home" crap and since I'm pregnant that just adds to her excuse. Well I'm sorry but the mother is not the only person capable of caring for a sick child and if you ask me it's his HOME that keeps him sick with these repeat "upper respiratory infections" that he gets 6-8 times a year.

She then went on to say she would appreciate a response from BF regarding the custody situation. For the past week she's been trying to get BF to converse with her "over email only" about it. He keeps telling her he has nothing to talk about. She says, "I think it would be best on everyone if it was all dropped." Oh really? Where was that attitude when you got those two phony orders of protection on BF? Where was that attitude when you started the DCS investigation on us? And where was that attitude when you were stalking and harrassing me for three years? The bottom line is now that the tables have turned, like always, BM wants everyone to fold their hands and play nice. Well you want my opinion? What would be BEST for everyone is if you would get a damn job and support yourself instead of allowing yourself to remain unemployed for 10 months and at 39 years old, relying on BF's CS check and money from your PARENTS to pay your bills and buy food for you and your son!


StepG's picture

SS is sick and needs to stay at home. H ask why and BM says why would he want to go to someone else's house... WHAT? Someone else's house I am his dadddy not someone else's house. H tells her that he can be sick at his house just like at her house. Now I understand if they are throwing up and real sick in that nature just let them stay cause I would not want to move if it were me but these colds, headaches, sprained foot(my favorite) are ridiculous. I think your H should have said no I am coming to get him but if he is like my H he is always trying to be peaceful and show ss the way to be and I know it is the right thing but it does not make it easy to swallow!

Nymh's picture

BF tries to do what he can to keep the peace and show SS that he isn't trying to start a fight with BM. But BF did say that if BM does something stupid this week then he's going to renig on what he said and go get SS anyway. It's pretty convenient that SS is only sick enough to stay home when BM is upset about something and BF won't discuss it with her. I could understand too if he was really sick, like throwing up, fever, chills, etc...I wouldn't want to go anywhere either. But SS is never that's always a "respiratory infection." BF said that he's going to ask to see proof that BM took SS to the doctor and copies of his prescriptions that he's supposedly taking for 10 days.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*