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O/T Help!!!!!!!!!ex husband wants to move into the neighbourhood- please pray it is not happening!!!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

:jawdrop: I am totally stressed because I found out that Exhb and his gf want to move into our immediate neighbourhood (the kids were telling me and the gf texted me about being in the area) I feel threatened by this since exhb already caused me so much stress and the last thing I want is to have him anywhere near me.I don't understand why they even consider this-there are several suburbs closer to their work and although ours is very, very nice and upmarket there are so many other suburbs that are as good as this one.
I am freaking out, have a headache and feel super anxious.I really don't want that to happen.When the gf texted me yesterday being in the area, I even told her that I feel really weird about them wanting to move to XYZ suburb and she was just jokingly responding that she is not moving in.
I fear now that me openly telling her I have a problem with it, they will find that amusing and makes them feel powerful that I feel stressed due to their actions, and maybe now even try harder to move here.I dn't know.I feel crap.Please pray.


oldone's picture

BM literally lives just a few blocks from us. I bought the place long before I ever heard of DH. She also bought her house at least 15 years ago - DH never lived there.

She's in a commerical area and I've been parking in the parking lot across from her house for decades (literally about 50 years). But I never see her. We just don't run in the same circles. I think she and her DH spend all of their time at that weird church they go to.

Just make sure there are rules about no random drive bys or stop overs..

oncechoosetosmile's picture

oldone , I am worried on so many levels .Exhb is nicknamed from us Pinoccio because of all his lies and after years where he did not care very much for his kids he suddenly plays father of the year with his gf (who I like but NOT him)and I am worried he wants to Disney out my kids.I just want him to disappear and he is welcome btw to take SD with him, too.:)

Jsmom's picture

Get over it...They can live where they want. BM lives in the subdivision across from us. I see her all the time. Do I hate it? HELL yes! But, I can not stop it. They did it so the kids could get on and off the bus. It does make life easier. You just need boundaries. No keys or garage codes. We had to put rules in place. Lots of rules for the kids. No coming and going on the other parents time. Call first, etc....

It works fine now. Drove me nuts the first couple of years when we were having drama with BM. Now that the kids are in HS, it is not an issue. There are so many other things to argue about, don't let this be one.

Jsmom's picture

There is only so many things you have a say in and so many other battles to have. This does not have to be one of them if you can set up boundaries. Sorry for the bluntness, but sometimes the whining is amazing to me. This is actually one that can have amazing benefits for the kids.