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when I got PMS I find SD 7 really , really unbearable around....

oncechoosetosmile's picture

which proves it is not only her , but also me ....We had her another whole week and her constant demand for attention and calls for "Dadddyyyyyy"'really got on my nerves so badly.Everything must be about her.I get really withdrawn and just don't want to see or her her anymore.See, I tried to give her lots attention in the past , trying to engage with her , but I feel just overwhelmed by her presence towards the end of what is "our" week.SO has been mostly good though, being caring and nice and not leaving me out, which keeps me going and hoping.This PMS makes it all worse, so I just survive, smile and try to be as friendly as I can.


12yrstepmonster's picture

I remember how horrible that was. When I could determine I was pmsing, I contained myself, retreating in a book. Something that would help take me away.

There's only one thing worse than pms and skids and that is the onset of menopause and skids. Yikes!

Seriously though, find an escape and learn the signs do you can head it off at the pass.

oncechoosetosmile's picture

12yrstepmonster, good to know I am not alone in this.Yes, I think I need to react to my syptoms earlier and be aware it is me being more impatient and frustrated.Sd is what she always is, but at some times it seems ok and at others it sucks!lol