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It's a friggin' cookie!!!!!!!

onehappygirl's picture

I swear, I am never making homemade cookies again. Compare it to catnip for cats. My kids go freakin' insane over cookies, almost to the point of physical violence.

I will not be labeling as step or bio in this, because it doesn't matter, they're all nuts anyway.

So, I make up a batch of oatmeal, chocolate chip, walnut cookies. They're in the oven and starting to smell really good. Kids come drifting through the kitchen, noses in the air, asking what's that smell. (Let me point out that there's a mixing bowl with cookie mix, cookie sheets with piles of raw cookie dough waiting to go in the oven, and cooling racks with cookies on it). But no, no one sees that I'm making cookies, they have to ask, over and over again. I'm not saying a word, because DH and I have had this conversation with the kids that they need to stop asking the obvious, use their brains and figure it out. The kids then realize that I'm not saying anything, so they actually have a pow-wow in the girls' bedroom to figure out what I'm doing. (Brain surgeons and NASA contenders every one of them - yikes)

The first batch is finished, and they all stand around me. I'm in a PMS, bite-your-head-off mood and I tell everyone to go away. No one is getting anything right now. Disappointed, one of them slinks down to the basement and two go outside to play.

I ask one of the girls to hang around and empty the dishwasher for me. She was being a sweetie and making sure I was okay. She even offered to fix me something to drink. So, I let her stay and hang out with me. Between cookie batches, I was doing laundry batches, and she came down to help with that.

About 1/2 an hour later, she's still helping me, and I'm getting another batch of cookies out of the oven. None of the other kids are in sight so I sneak one to her for being so helpful. At that moment, two of them come back into the house, so I shoo her downstairs so they won't see that she has a cookie. She runs downstairs giggling the entire way. (Cute as can be)!!

Oops! Big brother - 13 is downstairs. She shoved the cookie into her mouth and sat there giggling. Big brother 13 gets in her face and demands to know what she has in her mouth. She just sits there big eyed, lips compressed. Big brother 13 continues to demand to know what she has. Big brother is relentless and keeps on and on and on, finally pushing her down onto the couch trying to force her mouth open. DH sees what is going on and makes him stop. Big brother goes off about "how come" (I hate that phrase by the way) she got a cookie and I didn't get a cookie. Big brother 13 comes upstairs and demands his cookie!!! He's all mad, he's red in the face, and he's ready to get what's his!!!!! I threw a cookie at him, told him to get out of my sight, and I never wanted to hear him DEMAND anything of me ever again.

Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have given him the cookie. I realize that. I also didn't realize the details of what had happened with little sister until after the fact when DH told me about it. So, Big Brother 13 got no more cookies the rest of the night.

Big brother was completely out of line for acting this way, and he was given a severe talking-to later. When he realized he made such a big deal over a cookie, he was actually ashamed of what he did.

Now, this isn't really a problem, it was an occurrence, and honestly, I thought it was funny as hell.


BMJen's picture

Kids, I swear they will send us all to a early grave!

A cookie, a damn cookie. This is exactaly how my son would have responded!

I hate the whole, why does she or he but I dont get to thing. Drive me absolutley nuts.

Storm76's picture

I'm glad I'm not the only one with issues of 'engage brain before asking a question' - SS10 has a habit of half listening to a conversation, then asking a question which you answered, like, 2 seconds before! I have to say I think he would notice a load of cookie making stuff in the kitchen (like most young boys he's led by his stomach!)

I have to say, you were very restrained only throwing a cookie at the 13 year old - I probably would have thrown something a lot heavier!

Amazed's picture

My husband does this exact's SO much fun to deal with and I'm not supposed to get annoyed when he does it either.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one with issues of 'engage brain before asking a question' - SS10 has a habit of half listening to a conversation, then asking a question which you answered, like, 2 seconds before!"

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

MeanOleMe's picture

It is so great that you are able to take the step and bio out of the story because you realize this is a kid thing, and they are all just PITA's... LOL.

"I will not take responsibility, where I do not have authority." ~ MeanOleMe

onehappygirl's picture

Crayon, you are absolutely right! I think I'll be telling that story at dinnertime tonight. Unfortunately, I'll probably have to spell it out for them because the moral of the story will go right over their empty little heads.

Thank you.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Jon-Boy's picture

I am the same as your DD.
I always help out when ever I can. It is so rewarding to help people.

(Can I have a cookie?)

onehappygirl's picture

LOL!! Suck up!


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!