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I am an awesome wife

oneoffour's picture

DH received an invitation to his nephews graduation party. Well it is his ex's brothers son. But as BM claims his side of the family still as relatives it works both ways.

DH noticed the invite was for him only. He said he wouldn't go. I said he SHOULD go and I didn't know the people anyway and he has history with them. Also his sons will be there as well as his ex. Which is great for me. I get a few hours to myself, DH gets to visit with people I don't even know and it will reinforce why he divorced BM and why his is so lucky I said yes!

Still, it sucks a little that I am not recognised as his wife or even his partner. But then 'considering the source' I don't really care what they think. I get to run the laundry AND watch whatever I want on Netflix. All while having a frozen Margarita and a big arse bowl of popcorn.


JEEMudder's picture

Hahaha. I love this. You have a great attitude! Wen my DH drives to get SD (9 hours there 9 hours back) I used to go for the first year. Nowadays, five years later, I say 'see ya!', make myself a rum and coke and put on my pjs!

oldone's picture

Good for you!

But I might be tempted to just show up with him looking like a million dollars. I've been active in politics and can really "work" a room. }:)

Shook's picture

Hope it's also a "big arse bowl" of margarita! Your BM is rude. Plain rude. But at least, this is a better option than actually seeing her. Enjoy OneOfFour!