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Part 2 of Grrr.. Go Home! It gets better....

oneoffour's picture

So YSS stayed for dinner, had 2 lemon shandy beers & chatted with DH for a couple of hours and went home. He then went out to see a friend and got stopped by the police on the way home. He made an illegal lane change. Now I suspect they picked him up because 1) illegal lane change 2)hadn't put his plates back on his car he got back from the dealer (like his father told him to)so driving with no plates 3) didn't put the proof of insurance & registration back in the car (like his father told him to) and 4) admitted to drinking earlier in the evening.

Now he only had 2 beers and he is 21 and ate dinner etc at least 4 hours before being picked up.

So he spent the night in jail because ... wait for it ... he refused the blood alcohol test! His oh so knowledgeable ex felon room mate (albeit felon is 8 yrs clean) told him to do nothing and ask for an attorney. WTH??? In this state if you refuse a blood alcohol test you lose your licence for 1 yr. Done.End.Of.Story. No 'get out of jail free' card.

Despite all the advice his father has told him (ex law enforcement) he took the advice of his friend who is in his 30s and works in the same sandwich shop and sells action figures on the side.

So DH has gone down to bail him out (now YSS will owe us $400 thank you very much) and I told DH do not bring him back here. Take him back to his apartment with his awesome wealth of information room mate.

Need I say room mate does not drive. He lost his licence a long time ago and never re-sat the test to get it back. His girlfriend drives.

I am so angry and disappointed right now. I do not want him back here. I do not want to finance another attorney. I refuse. I told DH YSS can get a public defender. And I would tell my kids the same thing.

Now I am going to clean my kitchen and dining room and try not to break something.


oneoffour's picture

He will NOT be moving in here. I will move out first. He is a nice kid but living with Loser room-mate and room mates GF and baby have let him become lazy and don'tgiveashit.

He is bailed out. That is all I am doing and he WILL pay us back. He can work the rest out himself. His parents did not bring him up like this. BM is clueless but a good woman. She has NEVER been in trouble with the law. She is a good citizen. I just spoke to DH and overheard OSS asking him about his processing... OSS spent time in the court system as well. Now neither of them can go to Canada. No DUI drivers allowed there!

I never ever want to receive another call from xxx County Jail. If I do, I am hanging up. I don't care WHO it is. You don't break the law despite how small the offence is and then think you can one-up the police.

Sunflower1's picture

Oneoffour-the only time it is better to refuse in our area is if you know you over the limit! What a dipshit. On a side note, I'm going to PM you a friend of mine in the area that only does DUI. He's good and won't rob you SS blind. Sorry you're going through this.