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Thank you. You are helping

oneoffour's picture

Yes you. You are helping in ways you do not know.
I have a friend who is a high flying stepmom. Her husbands children seem nice but BM is something else. She still lives in the same small town and is so jealous of her exs successful lifestyle. She has her hand out for money all the time.

My friend is at her wits end how to manage it. So using the ideas and concepts I have picked up here I am able to guide her how to disengage first from the BM (who pulls every guilt trip under the sun) and if necessary from the kids demands.

My friend really cannot understand why this woman is so pissy and BM texts her all the time then pulls the 'our children' card. So last night
I spent time with my friend talking to her how this woman works. How she has the golden uterus. How she popped out a couple of kids which gives her unlimited access to her exs hard won income long after the divorce. I explained how other women deal with this crazy Earth Mother behaviour. She is getting it. She is determined to stop this craziness.

So today ladies and gentleman, take a bow. You are helping others and saving the sanity of other step parents who are not on our roll call.


ChiefGrownup's picture

Good for you for sharing both with her and with us. I'll be rooting for your friend. If she doesn't want to come here herself, please post some of her stories if she doesn't mind.