The exh nerve...and my vent of the week
LOL-AS I predicted....the exh wants to take a trip out of the country to go 'meet' his new fiance/girlfriend. THey apparently knew eachother in HS-and have started a long distance relationship (in different countries no less). So w/in 4 weeks of them talking he's sporting a silver engagement ring (traditional for that country, both men and women wear silver bands).
So all of this is all odd to us, but he's wanting to go down there to see her-which is of course expected_i'm happy he may have foudn someone....BUT....not only will you be asking me to swap a weekend w/the kids again, you ALSO get a week vacation to yourself (which I have had one in 7yrs divorced)...but then you ask me for a buddy pass from my job to go down there? LOL OH LORDY>>>>>>>
I'll probably give it to him, whatever....but wouldn't you at least buy your own tkt? Who asks the exwife to help you out to go meet/unite with your new gf/fiance??? Especially when in 7 yrs you have done nothing but excuse your father responsibilities.
I'm just so upset these days w/taking the whole load all the time, always taking my time off work for the kids, always having the breaks, holidays, long weekends, vacation, summer....while he does minimum. Then bf or his parents help his ex out whenever she wants free time, she gets summer weeks, long weekends, holidays, etc....and that adds one more kid to me. I feel totally overwhelmed, stressed, anxiety ridden because of the load I carry....i can't cope right. I feel taken advantage of, burdened, never a break...but yet everybody else gets one....adn then of course you have the exh and the bf w/opinions about my bios-my parenting, or what I should do differently----when they (as NCP's) never have to do the hard work to raise the kids or make efforts to do more for their kids. F the whole lot of them....I'm not even pms'ing and i'm ready to run away again..this happens SO often where I feel I have to just RUN, fast, and hide out somewhere.
In addition, my parents just left the country for a while-was going to be one month, now it's looking like 2 or 3-they are my main support system w/the kids because the ex never does a damn now I don't have that either-my job is extremely stressful, learning new things, I feel isolated from my girlfriends, my to do list is never ending, i have so much to organize in my life...w/excessive homework, finances are tough...i'm still being a single parent in every sense, except i have a boyfriend. I don't get the help i need, ever...adn he then gets annoyed with me when i'm in my 'woe is me' mood and wants me to be all bubbly, sparkly when I'm busting my ass w/no relief in site. I want out of my life, all of it-but of course there IS no out, just one day at a time. There's my vent for the day. Is there a light somewhere?
- overit2's blog
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Why don't you just say no to
Why don't you just say no to it all? No to the buddy pass no to switching weekends. He doesn't have a plane ticket so he does't have to worry about trying to change it to be responsible for the kids on his weekend. I would say no and not feel guilty for one second!
Take your buddy pass and go somewhere for that weekend and sit on a beach or in a forest and relax!
The joys of being a
The joys of being a CP...hmmm...I have to say, I get it. I too feel that way many times, but I am married. I have nobody to EVER take care of my kiddo. I live away from ALL my family, and my DHs family is crap. When you are married, you really don't take much of a break from your kids at all...especially when you don't have family to help you out. Be thankful that your family is close and that you sometimes get a break when he does take the kids or when your family helps you.
Believe me that I understand how stressed you must feel, but heck, I just started a job, homeschool my child (thus 0 breaks, 24/7 with my child) and have no family near me and not even a car.
Being a CP can be hard work, but so is being married, as many CPs at least get some days off...not only with the family's help, but the NCPs as well. I just never complain about having my kiddo 24/7, as that's my job as a mom. Life would be easier if I was divorced and had some weeks or weekends off...that never happens when you are married, really...And again, as a CP that's part of the deal. You could try to share custody instead or have your ex be the CP...but then you wouldn't get to make most of the decisions about your kids and would have to depend on someone just to see me, being with my son and tucking him in every single night is worth much more than any break I could take.
PS - I wouldn't give him a buddy pass...let him buy his own ticket...
" I just never complain about
" I just never complain about having my kiddo 24/7, as that's my job as a mom. Life would be easier if I was divorced and had some weeks or weekends off...that never happens when you are married, really..."
I hate when people do's the thing-if you're married, typically your SPOUSE, another adult is there day in/day out to share the load with you, financial, physical, emotional. THey get babysitters, share chores, responsibilities, parenting
I KNOW the difference between them, and the 'getting a break on the wknd" when you parent fully/wholly yourself all the time is NOT the better end of the deal compared to being married and sharing that load.
My parents shared the load raising us, and would also get sitters for us for a night out, a vacation alone, a wknd alone, etc...they didn't have family around either but they made sure to find trusted sitters for us or other couple/parents with kids. THe load of a married vs a single parent can't be compared even w/on ocassional wknd to yourself-during that time you have to make up for all the lost time during the weeks, with cleaning, chores, errands, maybe you get a date night or night w/the girls-you would if you were married. I see plenty of my married girlfriends tradeoff w/their husbands for time off. I mean seriously-I came here to vent before I explode because of the amount of stress and burden I'm carrying and you're minimizing it all with 'well i don't get a break because i'm married"..really???
SHare custody? What makes you think the exh would even want that responsibility???? He doesn't...hence why he doesn't even use the visitation time he does get lol.
I've been a single parent almost the entire kids childhood btw, please don't come here and minimize my feelings.
Frieda...I parented and took
Frieda...I parented and took full load when we were married also, he's that kind of a guy, so yes the single parenting thing has been since day one....things don't really change. I guess it exasberates when your plate is full with other things in life, work, financial struggle....
And I will admit that when I see bf or his parents go out of the way for "sd" but helping BM out it enfuriates me....I feel like I always get the extra load/work, just because they know I'll do it...and I'm a good person and good mother-but when you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown for the last year-I just don't know...I tried one med it didn't help me, I suffer from insomnia so bad it interferes with my daily life. I just dont see relief and I keep wondering when i'm goign to crack.
Thank you Frieda!!! YOu know,
Thank you Frieda!!! YOu know, a trip by myself sounds great actually....I have some options to fly to...
I think he doesn't get it because he doesn't have that load...he expects bubbly and wants the 'old me'....well when you first meet someone the 'high' of new love kidn of dulls out the's when normalcy and routine and stress is still there but the newness wears off that you see who the person really is kwim? He probably just didn't realize I was always frazzled, stressed burnt out, overwhelmed. He doesn't understand it because he gets a break whenever he wants it-so does my exh, so does his ex-wife....they all do. I'm not cut out for a lot of stress, I'm just not-i spiral into a horrible state of anxiety, depression.
I will respectfully ask oi
I will respectfully ask oi vey that you do not comment on my thread. Thank you!
Over it! I feel for you.
Over it! I feel for you. You are what I call a “real” single parent. I was one also. My ex left when the kids were 7 and 12. He took his weekend visits for a bout half a year and then basically fell off the face of the earth.
Being a single parent was one of the hardest things I ever did in my life. BUT…it was also the most rewarding! Hang in there. It will get better the older they get. My kids are now 18 and 23 and I know that I am the reason they are turning out to be great adults is because of me. Not anyone else.
Good Luck!!!